The good morning thread


Morning all, end of a stressful few weeks but likely to be more stress today until its over.

Middle girl had an entry in the Junk Kouture competition at school, she didn't get into the top 3 so we thought that was it however the school judges were just that judges for the school and the real judges for the competition were in the audience and they picked the ones they wanted to go to the national final and guess what her outfit was the one they choose. Today it's the national final in Dublin so there has been a lot of final tweaks and late night sowing over the last few days.

Fingers crossed but she's done well just to get this far

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Good morning all. Build up this week for me for the re opening of the Ebbw Vale depot on Friday. If has been a hub for my Gloucester depot with limited resource but with us winning new customers we decided to opening it fully. It’s been a hectic few months and great for Ebbw Vale with 50 new jobs. Fingers crossed all goes well.
Well done, Andy, and good luck.

Morning, all. Windy again, but a week working from home is nice. The coming weeks will involve much time in London, Germany and Bulgaria, so I'm making the most of this one. The weather, however...

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Morning all, end of a stressful few weeks but likely to be more stress today until its over.

Middle girl had an entry in the Junk Kouture competition at school, she didn't get into the top 3 so we thought that was it however the school judges were just that judges for the school and the real judges for the competition were in the audience and they picked the ones they wanted to go to the national final and guess what her outfit was the one they choose. Today it's the national final in Dublin so there has been a lot of final tweaks and late night sowing over the last few days.

Fingers crossed but she's done well just to get this far
Go, mid-Zag girl! Impressive. Also, does this mean you don't need to bother emptying your own bins any more? Very best of luck.


Hump Day and it's very cold this morning too.
Ms French working from home so a quiet day for me.
Coffee first :)
Enjoy your day/evening all.


Morning all , suppose I better pop in and say hi to all once again , instead of just barging in leaving the door wide open and carrying on as usual as if I never left the place , greeting all and lets hope for some spring/summer sun to start enjoying and exploring what is left of our lovely old England


Good morning everyone up early for some reason but looks like a nice day ahead here.
Have a nice Thursday all.
With you there Phil me thinks old man syndrome , black as the ace of spades here so still hopeful for a surprise once the sun is up , be careful out there today folks


Good morning all. What the feck is happening with car insurance. My 2013 Mercedes C250 renewal came though yesterday and I nearly fell over. Last year Tesco took £245 from me and this year they want £458 - Robbing feckers. Best I could get was £347 with Aviva which is still stupid money for my age and the car. I must be paying for all those tw4ts that drive without insurance and crash into people.


Good morning all. What the feck is happening with car insurance. My 2013 Mercedes C250 renewal came though yesterday and I nearly fell over. Last year Tesco took £245 from me and this year they want £458 - Robbing feckers. Best I could get was £347 with Aviva which is still stupid money for my age and the car. I must be paying for all those tw4ts that drive without insurance and crash into people.
Yeah ive heard the horror stories Andy from a few people , my 3 policies personally seem to have had just the usual 10% added which i couldn't be arsed to challenge , maybe another incremental increase to try and persuade people to change to EV . they do the same with home insurance, Direct line doubled mine for some uncanny reason ( never claimed ) from £212 to £395 and wouldnt budge , so I cancelled and went with Rias for £215 soddem