GT Auto or MC Shift???


I'll just add to this that the Internet chatter on the GT shift box (which is basically an SMG) has always been its dated it's jerky etc. I read up loads

Having owned my 2009 MC shift for over 1.5 years now I don't think what is written about it is fair at all it's a fantastic box, very easy to master and get smooth shifts in in low speed town driving. I never use the auto setting.

It really is a great box. You either like autos full stop, nothing wrong with that at all. But, if you have always been a gear stick person then it's the MC shift you need, you'll master it in no time

Have all you GTS MC Shift owners tried the magic pedal reset?

1. Jump in, turn ignition to allow usual lights out check, pump the accelerator pedal to the floor three times then turn key to ignition off.
2. Start the car as normal after the lights out check.
3. Marvel in Wonderment as the gear changes are silky smooth and there is no hesitation at all.

Damo tried this recently whilst I was out with him in is and he couldn't believe it!

Needs to be done every time as a ritual :)


Is this not a variation on just waiting until all the lights went out and that is actually just the hydraulics priming itself etc and that the pumping 3 times was in fact folk lore as the time it took to do that meant the lights were out anyway but the foot pumping had nothing to do with it?

Since day one I've always waited until my lights went out and changes are silky. One a couple of occasions when moving the car on the drive I've started her straight away and experienced god awful gear changes !


New Member
Can't comment on the older cars, but on the Sport model (2012 onwards) there is a difference between MC Shift and Auto, but it's not necessarily a deal breaker (certainly wasn't for me).

In "manual sport" mode the shifts are very, very good and it'll hang on to the rev limiter if so desired. Downshifting it does the engine blipping the same way as the MC Shift.

The MC Shift is marginally snappier shifting. But it cannot do the "auto" thing anywhere near as well.

If I could have found an identical car to mine with an MC Shift box for the same price I may well have bought it over the auto I have. But to my knowledge such a car does not exist. And there are times when the auto comes in really handy (with family aboard for example).


Is this not a variation on just waiting until all the lights went out and that is actually just the hydraulics priming itself etc and that the pumping 3 times was in fact folk lore as the time it took to do that meant the lights were out anyway but the foot pumping had nothing to do with it?

Since day one I've always waited until my lights went out and changes are silky. One a couple of occasions when moving the car on the drive I've started her straight away and experienced god awful gear changes !

Nope, try it.


Have all you GTS MC Shift owners tried the magic pedal reset?

1. Jump in, turn ignition to allow usual lights out check, pump the accelerator pedal to the floor three times then turn key to ignition off.
2. Start the car as normal after the lights out check.
3. Marvel in Wonderment as the gear changes are silky smooth and there is no hesitation at all.

Damo tried this recently whilst I was out with him in is and he couldn't believe it!

Needs to be done every time as a ritual :)

You don't need to pump the pedal. Just wait for the dash lights to go out before you start the car. It allows time for the clutch to recalibrate.

The sales guy told me this when I bought the car.


You don't need to pump the pedal. Just wait for the dash lights to go out before you start the car. It allows time for the clutch to recalibrate.

The sales guy told me this when I bought the car.

I'm calling BS on that (not that it works, but it allows the clutch to re-calibrate). And it was a *sales* guy....



I'm calling BS on that (not that it works, but it allows the clutch to re-calibrate). And it was a *sales* guy....


Well ok maybe I misremembered whether it was the clutch recalibration or not.

Regardless it works every time whatever it is.


No I always do the lights out, that's a Maserati thing, trust me and ask Damon too, three pumps of the pedal and it is much smoother. Athol told me about it and like you lot I didn't think it would make a difference but it really does!


I used to do the 3 pumps. And then I switched to lights out. Didn't really feel any difference.

I'll try it again and see if I notice any difference.

To be honest I find it smooth anyway.


I thought we had this discussion about 2 years ago when I first mentioned this trick on the forum?? :)


I'll just add to this that the Internet chatter on the GT shift box (which is basically an SMG) has always been its dated it's jerky etc. I read up loads

Having owned my 2009 MC shift for over 1.5 years now I don't think what is written about it is fair at all it's a fantastic box, very easy to master and get smooth shifts in in low speed town driving. I never use the auto setting.

It really is a great box. You either like autos full stop, nothing wrong with that at all. But, if you have always been a gear stick person then it's the MC shift you need, you'll master it in no time

Ok so I 've gone manual and it's very jerky - am I supposed to lift off when changing gear or what ?


Do the reset mate and then lift slightly as you would if it were a manual. Don't lift when pressing on in MC shift mode.


Wait for all the lights to go out before starting her and also try the reset thing (not done this myself yet but will).

Once that is out of the way for low speed town driving I find that a very gentle and quick lift as you change can smooth things. Also when changing down like coming to lights etc it's definitely a smoother change if you do it whilst braking. As opposed to no feet on anything and just flicking the paddles that can be a little jerky
The car like to be in forward motion (accelerating) or braking when changing gear, try not to do it when just coasting etc

It genuinely it's a smooth box and very easy to get to grips with wuickly


Wait for all the lights to go out before starting her and also try the reset thing (not done this myself yet but will).

Once that is out of the way for low speed town driving I find that a very gentle and quick lift as you change can smooth things. Also when changing down like coming to lights etc it's definitely a smoother change if you do it whilst braking. As opposed to no feet on anything and just flicking the paddles that can be a little jerky
The car like to be in forward motion (accelerating) or braking when changing gear, try not to do it when just coasting etc

It genuinely it's a smooth box and very easy to get to grips with wuickly

Not sure if its just beginners luck or the clutch is so new, but I have never found it jerky in manual mode at all and I dont consciously lift up when changing.

Silly question - does it just hit MC Shift mode above 5,500 revs? When on a normal road can you appreciate MC shift mode with quick changes above 5500 revs?

Bobby Dandruff

Junior Member
I face the same dilemma.

For me the Auto is the preferred option but I would like the S body kit and exhaust...this can be had as an S Pack with sports exhaust or a newer but out of reach Sports Model.

Its a rare car to find with sports pack and with a wish for black and cream trim I may be looking for a number of months.

PS I'm tired of F1 boxes now after 9 years of them...I also expect to see more frequent issues with them as they age against the well proven full ZF autos.

It sounds like you are after MY car!

Bobby Dandruff

Junior Member
Ok so I 've gone manual and it's very jerky - am I supposed to lift off when changing gear or what ?

I test drove an MC Shift before buying my GTS with Sports Pack.

I found the gear changes jerky (like a nodding dog effect) and tiresome; and I SO wanted to like it as well! Having to 'learn' how to drive a car these days seems odd......


Not sure if its just beginners luck or the clutch is so new, but I have never found it jerky in manual mode at all and I dont consciously lift up when changing.

Silly question - does it just hit MC Shift mode above 5,500 revs? When on a normal road can you appreciate MC shift mode with quick changes above 5500 revs?

The quicker changes are above 5.5k revs as you state. As for being on a normal road, you lot are daan saath aren't you lol. Come up north plenty places to get your foot down, all very safely


I'm a new owner of a GTS with MC-Shift, coming from the 4200 CC via a 3200 Auto. I have to say, I'm absolutely delighted. Around town I can't fault the gear change - it's so easy! Normal mode - in and out, stop/start - no issues. Then under normal Sport mode (low-med revs) the change is smooth and quick, and we wake everyone up. Then, above 5500 rpm it is awesomely quick and the exhaust note is fantastic. Shame we can't do that on a normal road that often - Officer Sir! I'm driving this car for the thrill - and the MC-Shift provides this. However - I can fully appreciate those wanting the power and noise, but via a more conventional gearbox.