Manchester Arena Explosion


Junior Member
22 May 13 - Lee Rigby's Murder
22 March 16 - Brussels Attack
22 July 16 - Munich Attack
22 March 17 - London Attack
22 May 17 - Manchester Attack

The sad thing is there are many many more which do not share these dates in the recent years.

07 January 15 - Charlie Hebdo Attack
13 November 15 - Paris Attacks
14 July 16 - Nice Terror Attack
July 2016 - Germany Attacks
26 July 2016 - Normandy Church Attack
03 Feb 2017 - Louvre Knife Attack
07 April 2017 - Stockholm Attack
20 April 2017 - Paris Shooting

Absolutely sickening, many of these will be forgotten about with more being added to this already long list. Time to wake up!


To wake up and do what? Start a holy war against the Muslim faith? To deport all Muslims or people that look a bit different or don't agree with the government?

What about the remainers? Should they be deported to Europe as they don't properly believe in Britain?

A quote comes to mind from the early 20th century.

"‎The greatest danger of a terrorist's bomb is in the explosion of stupidity that it provokes."

Part of the reason for these is that ISIS are being dealt with in Iraq and Syria. They are losing the fight there. They want to extend it beyond the region. They want it to become a holy war because that's the prophecy that thought they were fulfilling. If we deny them that we sow doubt in their followers. There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world the vast majority are as horrified by the actions of the few as everyone else.


Shut the stable door after the horse has bolted - political cnuts - but why the media cover up the truth will come out eventually - like it did in Cologne



Summed it up! UKIP were slandered for being 'Intolerant', well there's a time and a place and most of us have been living in it for years now.


Junior Member
There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world the vast majority are as horrified by the actions of the few as everyone else.

This comment is thrown around far too often,
"Of course not all 1.8 billion Muslims are 'radicals'. The majority are peaceful, the radicals are estimated to be between 15-25% according to intelligence agencies around the world - now let's look at the numbers, 270 million - 450 million people that are dedicated to see the destruction of western civilization, that's averaging the population of the United States, so why should we be worried about this radical 15-25% minority? Because it's the radicals that kill, because it's the radicals that behead and massacre, the peaceful majority are irrelevant."


One of my workers was there. A bit of a " sliding doors" situation by all accounts. She went down the stairs and turned left to go to the toilet at that side because it looked quieter than the right side.........the bomb went off on the right turn 2 min later. She is shaken but ok thankfully. Makes you think that seemingly unimportant choices we make can have significant impact on where you end up........


Junior Member
Critical , just a slider on a board , what's next fuc¥3d

What this means is that 1 of those 3,500 radicals on the UK intelligence services watch list are very keen to carry this type of thing on, which also means my colleagues will now be patrolling the places where police would normally be, expect an increase of police presence around many cities flanked by armed soldiers.

It's impossible to put surveillance teams on this many potentials 24/7.


It is hard line but if they hurt our families and children we will hurt theirs.

We are too soft and just continue to let it happen.

Sure you can play the 'we are civilised' card but try telling that to the families of the victims!

And this is the problem.

Thousands of innocent civilians have already been killed in Iraq, Syria and Libya by the U.K. and coalition forces. Over 3,000 and these most certainly also are young children, sons, daughters, mums, dads and best friends.

One could argue that the "terrorists" are responding to what they determine are acts of terror on them and their families as well. In exactly the same way we wish to respond.

It is a cyclical process and I don't think one can ever end the war on terror. Each time someone retaliates it creates future terrorists and acts of terror.

I don't know what the solution is. It is such a sad world we live in.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Yes most of this is brought on by foreign policy over the last 50 years, the worst thing we ever did was have Tony Bliar follow Bush like a lapdog into IRAQ and lie about WMD. He has blood on his hands and how he has not been tried and found guilty of war crimes in the Hague I will never know.


Junior Member
Surely it should be risk assessed , like any other "hazard"? Removal being the first objective.

This is what they're doing, but how can you tell which ones are more fanatical than others when there is a estimated 3,500 of them carrying out suspect behaviors. The ones we are seeing are all known to authorities, they have just slipped through the wider intelligence net, the amount of plots they foil are ten fold to the ones we now see in the news.


This is what they're doing, but how can you tell which ones are more fanatical than others when there is a estimated 3,500 of them carrying out suspect behaviors. The ones we are seeing are all known to authorities, they have just slipped through the wider intelligence net, the amount of plots they foil are ten fold to the ones we now see in the news.
I suppose there is a fine line between advertising what you are doing, or have done, and spreading panic amongst people.


Junior Member

Sam Harris is the SME in this in my opinion.

dem maser

I suggest you read a few books on the Commoranese. They have zero morals.

Are they part of the Mafia? I have an interest in the mafia, an obsession almost and as far as i know they make moves based on morals ie they wont harm the families or daughters etc of the "made men"


7000 on a watch list! So what do we do? Murdering innocent children now this has to stop, do we build a Guantanamo type place in the middle of the Atlantic or Med and have them locked up there? Surely it's time we stopped worrying about the racist card and doing something proactive?

