Oulton Park Families Day 26th May


Sea Urchin Pate
Hi guys. Dave Morris has invited us to attend the families day at Oulton on Sunday 26th May. This is another Italian car display but this time the are 2 confirmed track demos/parade laps during the day. Alas, I’m unavailable on the 26th but if you fancy going please annotate your names and I’ll pass them on to Dave. Thanks guys.


I am afraid that I am committed to something in Manchester on 26th. Sorry, Benny - I would love to have gone.


Junior Member
It's been a while, but I've always enjoyed going when I've been. What's the situation regarding tickets @BennyD ? Is it 2 per car?



I'll be there as always. It's one separate ticket per vehicle and separate tickets per person. Saying that, last time I got in first with tickets for my bro and I. He was late as always so I walked out of the circuit to meet him but with only his ticket. I realized this and walked back in past the employees (without being stopped) got my ticket and walked back out to meet him. When we eventually met up we drove in (2 of us in his car) and again not questioned!!..............It would appear that you could park around the corner in the forest car park and just walk straight in without paying or showing anything!!


Got my tickets in the post today. There are quite a few "restrictions" on the parade laps, most of which make sense, such as no overtaking. The no hanging back and speed limit of 30mph seem a little OTT however.

Weather is looking likely to be dry and there is plenty on. See you guys Sunday.


I'm in taking the kids/grandson although they'll be following in a Clio, think I might struggle with 30mph on a race track mindEven on a parade lap


I'd think itll be quite a laid back day, nothing racing , nothing noisy on the track so as not to upset their millionaire neighbours , they only get a licence to operate sundays after noon and even then only about 3 weekends a year

They'll only want look at the cars laps, no heroics

The families day only started after Oulton Park lost or gave up carfest north


Sea Urchin Pate
Hi guys. I’ve just got an e-mail from David suggesting you all get to the gate by 10am if that’s poss. If he’s not at the gate when you get there, whatever the time, please give him a bell on 07773 537564 and he’ll come down with your tickets.


We had a good day out. Weather in the morning was not pleasant and the car was pretty dirty by the time we arrived, but it gradually cleared up.

The first time we went out on track they gave us three laps of the Fosters circuit. The pace car set off at a quicker pace than anticipated and the cars joining the track had spaces between them. I was one of the last out of the parking area to join the queue and got stuck in merging traffic entering the circuit. By time I got out on track there was no one to be seen so I had the track to myself for a while. The car picked up pace quickly along the main straight over the start finish line and I was able to take turn one at speed on each lap which was great.

The second time out on track the pace car waited on circuit for everyone to join the queue and they had a second course car at the rear of the line too so no one could hang back. The laps were much slower but there was still the odd chance open the car up a little. In any case it was good fun and the crowd seemed appreciative of the odd rev off as we returned to the parking areas too.


We had a good day out. Weather in the morning was not pleasant and the car was pretty dirty by the time we arrived, but it gradually cleared up.

The first time we went out on track they gave us three laps of the Fosters circuit. The pace car set off at a quicker pace than anticipated and the cars joining the track had spaces between them. I was one of the last out of the parking area to join the queue and got stuck in merging traffic entering the circuit. By time I got out on track there was no one to be seen so I had the track to myself for a while. The car picked up pace quickly along the main straight over the start finish line and I was able to take turn one at speed on each lap which was great.

The second time out on track the pace car waited on circuit for everyone to join the queue and they had a second course car at the rear of the line too so no one could hang back. The laps were much slower but there was still the odd chance open the car up a little. In any case it was good fun and the crowd seemed appreciative of the odd rev off as we returned to the parking areas too.
Yes the first round was a hoot!! Caught us all out as we were expecting 30mph and had my wife and son in the car. I guess you were the blue GS next to me after the first round. Who was the 32 pulled up next to me after the first ride? We exchanged brief pleasantries and then he was off! Big thanks to Dave Morris for sorting us all...... He's a diamond!!


Yes the first round was a hoot!! Caught us all out as we were expecting 30mph and had my wife and son in the car. I guess you were the blue GS next to me after the first round. Who was the 32 pulled up next to me after the first ride? We exchanged brief pleasantries and then he was off! Big thanks to Dave Morris for sorting us all...... He's a diamond!!

Yeah mine was the blue GS. Don't know who the 32 owner was, I never got chance to speak to him. As you said he was off pretty quickly.

David said the track officials were not happy after our first run and he got a stern talking to - apparently someone did a burnout somewhere. Quite what David could do about that I don't know! I do wonder if we will be allowed to do it again however. The last time we got on track a similar thing happened, I think a green Mclaren got out on track with us and hung back so far he got a whole lap at racing speed. We haven't been allowed on since then until Sunday.


Yeah mine was the blue GS. Don't know who the 32 owner was, I never got chance to speak to him. As you said he was off pretty quickly.

David said the track officials were not happy after our first run and he got a stern talking to - apparently someone did a burnout somewhere. Quite what David could do about that I don't know! I do wonder if we will be allowed to do it again however. The last time we got on track a similar thing happened, I think a green Mclaren got out on track with us and hung back so far he got a whole lap at racing speed. We haven't been allowed on since then until Sunday.
Yep, it was the pratt in the Nissan GTR who let us down, apparently he wasn't supposed to be with us on the laps anyway! I wouldn't worry about getting out again in the future as Dave pulled me over as we were leaving and said how great it was dealing with all you Maserati chaps as we are all gentlemen....... This got me worried and concerned as he normally deals with BennyD!!!