4200 - report after 1 month


Junior Member
Well I did lots of research and lurked on a few fora before taking the plunge! I got myself a 4200 2004 in a nice dark colour with black interior so v happy with the cosmetics. Had an indie inspection 300+ for that and paid 22K which was a fair figure. In general a lovely car - awesome performance and v reliable (so far!). Only issues:

1) rattle at c1200 rpm - see other posts, could be heat shield but indie that did inspection suggested c1K to fix so could be something else, will investigate. If ends up being something else I know who to complain to!

2) After 1 month suspension started making a loud clunking sound on corners and bumps. Took it into Autoficcina - v helpful but suggestion was to keep driving and return if worse - suggested not replacing random suspension parts as could not be sure to fix. I like these guys, only 1 mile from home! However, carried on driving and noise became worse - what to do? Decided to tell dealer where purchased and have taken to indie in Kent (at my cost where they did the original PPI and some minor work) to have diagnosed - idea being that they may either feel that they should have identified this or that the selling dealer (W London based indie) would have covered the cost. Well, end result is that the selling indie says not his problem so I have a 300 bill with less than 1k miles. I'm not that interested in getting aggressive with him over this amount but thought would report in this thread as info to others.

The fix was replacing the O/S bushes apparently due to wear - clearly I had worn them out in 1K miles! so expect this every 1K miles as of course they were not work when I brought the car:baffle: Joke!!!! Luckily not that costly!

Of more interest, I have the platinum warranty from WW as supplied by the indie dealler. Guess what - not interested in paying! What a crock of sh!t! Apparently the suspension is not actually broken. So, I should drive it as it is until I crash into someone and kill my family, then it will be correctly broken and I can have a (major) repair at their cost.

Whatever, I love my car and will look forward to many years of hard acceleration!

Oh, almost fogot, get this! At the indie doing the repair the front plate was nicked. Did they tell me - no! Did they agree to replace after they delivered it back to me with their substitute plate - yes. Is that what we expect at 95/hr- not a ****!ng chance!

Rant over, as I say, love the car - not so happy with a) seller b) repairer c) b@st@rd that nicked the plate! and d) warranty wise

cheers + happy maserattying - nice to be able to post this here! :)
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Hi Adam,
Don't know what to say really after reading your post...
Really glad that you still love and are enjoying the car (after all, it is not it's fault) :)
Real shame about the seller and repairer...and also think it has been mentioned before that
some warranties are not worth the paper they are written on!!
Looking on the bright side, I guess it could have been a whole lot worse financially.


Hope your woes have not put you off and a real shame about your experience with the indies...It's not hard to see who the indie is from your picture which is a suprise as heard good things about them. These aftermarket warranties are a waste of time in most cases. Lots of small print and will wiggle out of anything they can...A warrenty should give you piece of mind and in your case it's failed you. Hope you have trouble free motoring going forward.


Junior Member
Cheers, at the time of buying the car I was happy with the seller of the car - fair and reasonable. I guess he has no obligation to fix something that he believes was not present at the time of the car sale (I think this is the sale of goods bit). So I'm just a bit annoyed that I had to pay out for a repair so soon. In the scheme of things, the seller was better than others I have met and the repair co didn't try to make the job bigger than it was. Hopefully if nothing else, this lets people know where they are likely to stand should a fault develop with their car and they think they have a warranty. It seems such a shame that warranty companies need something to actually break before agreeing to cover costs - I'm no expert but I could imagine there area lot of things with cars that will go wrong and exhibit some signs of pending failure before actually breaking.


Cheers, at the time of buying the car I was happy with the seller of the car - fair and reasonable. I guess he has no obligation to fix something that he believes was not present at the time of the car sale (I think this is the sale of goods bit). So I'm just a bit annoyed that I had to pay out for a repair so soon. In the scheme of things, the seller was better than others I have met and the repair co didn't try to make the job bigger than it was. Hopefully if nothing else, this lets people know where they are likely to stand should a fault develop with their car and they think they have a warranty. It seems such a shame that warranty companies need something to actually break before agreeing to cover costs - I'm no expert but I could imagine there area lot of things with cars that will go wrong and exhibit some signs of pending failure before actually breaking.

Warranty wise are well renowned for that kind of shenaningins , Re the seller , sounds like you would have good cause for some redress under the sale of goods act , ie not fit for purpose , perhaps a gentle letter to start off with , mentioning this and offer to let him meet you halfway will reap rewards , we would be quite happy to take this up for you if you pm the details to either me or Conaero

regards loz


Stylo.....you did your best to follow all recommended purchasing aspects, once the you get past a certain age/mileage, or just luck things either wear or give up, but the most important thing is enjoying it!

Generally it seems to be after market warrantys aint worth a whole lot unless its the maserati one!

Anyways as long as it doesn't let you down mid journey far from home thats the main thing. We can all live with scheduling in wear and tear repairs plus regular servicing and checks.

Enjoy and good luck!



I'm going to be the odd one out here...you state the bush was worn. OK it should have been picked up by the inspection but I doubt most Warranty co's would replace worn out items unless you paid the £2k+ ones. I had a fault the same week I bought mine, the wiper motor unti, [which is well known to fail] same co replaced it because it was broken.

I hope the car is put right soon and you get a decent result.


Junior Member
Thanks for the offers of support but the amount involved doesn't really justify the effort.

Safrane - I have the WW platinum cover (150/hr labour so not a cheapo option) which I believe is c2K



Forum Owner
Warranty Wise dont get me started, never, repeat, never again, charlatans, the lot of them!


I will say though the warranty Cortese put on my 3200 was very good...they paid out £3000 in the first week, but that bucks the trend..


New Member
WW covered the cost of having my aircon motor replaced and also the replacement of my passenger window, so I was quite satisfied with their cover.


Stylo hope the experiences have not put you off the car but it seems the problems thus far have been quite mild......lets hope it stops there. We do take some risk when buying a used supercar and even with an independent inspection and full Maserati service history there is always going to some niggling fault but then I supposed you would get this on most used cars.


Stylo hope the experiences have not put you off the car but it seems the problems thus far have been quite mild......lets hope it stops there. We do take some risk when buying a used supercar and even with an independent inspection and full Maserati service history there is always going to some niggling fault but then I supposed you would get this on most used cars.

Fraid so.................seems to be the way......always the ancillaries with these cars.......even then aint cheap......just need a warchest for those items!