Missing key and alarm card/label


New Member
Having had some time to scour through the owners manual last night I noted a couple of passages referring to the alarm code and key number. It said these can be found on a card or label somewhere.
I've been through the wallet front to back and waggled all the books hoping it may drop out but there's nothing.

Can anyone tell me if there's a hidey hole in the car somewhere where these are hidden or stored?

If they are nowhere to be found can replacements be sourced based on me being the owner and having all the documents?


Glove box?
There should be two cards:

Red one has the mechanical details of the key blade on you should get one with a new key. When I ordered my new key:
Maserati shall require colour copies of your V5, and a colour copy of photo ID of the name on the V5, so either a passport or driving licence.
I got a new red card which matched my existing one.

The silver card is also *I believe* available from Maserati. It's the emergency start code which you can use should you lose all your transponders / your keys lose their paring to the ECU. It's probably not that useful, but, like spare wheels, I'm sure that opinions will differ.

I'd make sure I've got two working keys (in fact I did) as while you can add transponders to the CODE system using an SD2/3 card, and get past the immobiliser with the silver card code (eventually) you can't add new keys to the central locking without a working key. (At least that's my understanding)


alfi boy

Junior Member
I was missing these also on my 2005 4200, I called up the main dealer who supplied the car to the original owner and they were able to send photo copies after I provided proof of ownership, I was most impressed, try your luck you never know!


New Member
I still can't find them so I'm going to contact a main dealer to see what's what.

Thank you for the replies, great place this is.

Did I mention I love my car :numberone:


Junior Member
Both these cards where missing when i bought my 4200.My local main dealer got them for me direct from Italy in about a week for less than 15 quid !!!!


Junior Member
Supplying dealer of my car was dick lovett cardiff they said it could take months so i gave up waiting and went to my local dealer colchester maserati and had them in a week.


Most large Dealers should be able to do it, if not contact Maserati UK and they will do it after proof of ownership and VIN etc..!!