Your opinion please - should I accept


I still think you should take the money, but edit the review to fall with the terms of the agreement but still be factual.
Great result by the way, well done. The power of social media!
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Thanks all, took the money (plus the small claim fee).
Never planned to hire any lawyer ... well, certainly not doctor houx calibre Of lawyer, will need to sell my MC to do that, very expensive way to show my principle.
I was thinking of representing myself should it end up in court, thought I had a bullet proof case - even got the invoices and receipts from the buyer of my MC.

I guess a silly way of spending my time... not to mention the risk. Who knows, the dealer could hire doctor Houx representing them...

All settled now, got my money, closed the case, and removed the reviews, no point of leaving a review that says nothing...


Sounds like sensible solution.
Always best to "shut up move on" but often hard to let go of principles. These are only cars though; and bought with money. How much time we "waste" on getting the money matters. Trying to sell levante wheels demonstrates this. On a good day I might get £700 for the set, but how much does it cost in My time to sell them? If I was DoctorHoux the 2 hours already "invested" would render them worthless.
The time spent on enjoying my cars is never wasted :) The equation is the proof of "man maths".