Alfa resurgence....


Stelvio deliveries are under pressure everywhere with lots of dates going backwards. Giulia delivery seems to be improving recently with lots of customers taking the 280BHP Veloce spec which seems a good compromise for daily driver. Personally I will hang out for the QV to hit my price point

I think thats a good call. I think with the limited numbers though its going to be a good few years before they are a 'bargain' don't you think?


I think thats a good call. I think with the limited numbers though its going to be a good few years before they are a 'bargain' don't you think?

I suspect so, I will be happy to step in when they are in the mid 30s, hopefully to won't be too long


From a local Italian paper (local to Cassino) from 13th December 2017. (Bing translated!)

The disagreement of the factory of Fca, which opened in fact on 31 October last with the "dismissal" of 532 workers with fixed-term contracts, after a month of November made of strikes, anger and poisons, yesterday ended up in the Senate of the Republic.

The work commission of Palazzo Madama from 15 p.m. has indeed held the hearing of the representatives of Fiom-Cgil, Fim-CISL, Uilm-Uil, Ugl-metalworkers and Fismic, on the employment effects of the industrial programmes of FCA.

' The overall scenario of assembly plants from north to South seems not to respect the optimistic forecasts of the previous months. In fact, in the factory of Cassino-explained the trade unionist Michele De Palma-has never made the announcement of 1,800 recruitment but, indeed, for the production of the Stelvio, Giulia and Juliet, of the 835 workers in administration only 300 They had the contract renewed until 31 January. ' Among the delegates also Dino Miniscalchi of Melfi and Pierluigi De Filippis of Cassino.

' It is urgent that the Ministry of Economic Development should intervene by convening a table on the automobile sector to address the problems and prospects of a strategic sector such as the automotive industry, both from the industrial point of view and from that Have explained the metalworkers of the Cgil.

The government on its part promised the commitment of the case as well as had already done the former premier Renzi during its recent stage in Ciociaria when he reassured burdens and local politicians who would be interested in the issue Cassino the President Gentili and the Minister Caballero.

Alfa chases the Germans

To worry about Cassino is both the present and the future. As regards the 2017, in the first 10 months of the year Giulia and Stelvio go very well: the saloon the sedan of segment D has reached a total of 20,638 units sold in the period of time considered. About 62% of Giulia's sold units in Europe were distributed outside the Italian borders. But German rivals such as Audi A4, BMW 3 Series and Mercedes C-class all travel over 100,000 registrations. The SUV is stationary at an altitude of 12,875 units sold of which 56% sold outside the Italian borders. In August 2018 is foreseen the restilyng of Juliet then between the 2019 and the 2020 a mini SUV, the big SUV and the flagship. But it's just rumors. For now concrete there are only layoffs under the tree of the FCA and all the induced cassina.


Ignoring the production issues, treatment of the workforce like this will do nothing for quality or reliability... a poorly motivated workforce is a headache for any company.

If these models are meant to be the saviours of the brand then the future is in the balance and there is little chance of new sports / coupes coming before the end of this decade.


Good point Pete......There has been a few noted issue with quality etc with the Levante......The way the work force probably feel sort of goes hand in hand with that. Hope they get it sorted soon as happy and productive goes together.