QP MSP Information Required Please

Dear Collective,
Now I have your attention Resistance is Futile
We are not talking Maserati Stability Programme here.
We are talking Manic Street Preachers CD, let me explain.
My QPV has a multi stack system in the drivers footwell and is fine.
My son however (I will blame him!) placed said CD in the slot on the dashboard where the SatNav disc goes (that was still in situ), and it was automatically drawn in as all CD's are.
The excellent CD played well and the SatNav continued to work faultlessly.
Pressing the eject button released the SatNav disc but not the MSP CD.
I wish to play Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band - Trout Mask Replica (an acquired taste) without using the multi stacker
So any ideas how to release MSP CD?
Is it not overkill to have a multi stacker system too?
I will dig out Multi Media System manual too


Is there a manual eject on the drive? Like a pin hole in which you can insert a straightened paperclip?

I'm guessing probably not if it's a slot loader. Do you actually want the Nav CD? More importantly are you sure it's in there? I've never known a slot drive take in > 1 CD and keep working.

Just a thought, like



Chief pedant
Mine (2009 QP) refuses to release the music CD from time to time. I find just ignoring the car, having a few glasses of Chianti and praying to the gods of Rome does the trick, and 'ecco!' it comes out when it is ready.
Mark you are a genius.
I did exactly that last night and lo and behold this morning MSP appears out of nowhere.
Well out of the drive actually.
Now what to do?
Put the SatNav disc back in? Leave it out? and what about Cpt Beefheart?


Chief pedant