Man Maths


Well, I collected the car last Monday & have now had a little time to play, despite the weather & my middle age aliments trying there best to stop me.

It's now run in so have access to all the driving modes, although saving race & associated launch control until its properly dry.

The best way to describe the driving experience is, it's a bit like taking my hyperactive spaniel for a walk...(he's a handsome fellow..much like the Alfa) You do end up going where you are heading, but your pulled left to right sniffing out all the hedgerows, with your arms pulled out of there sockets. If your walking at 5 mph he desperately wants to be doing double that & is panting & pulling at his lead, whilst I try my best to keep him at a sensible speed.
Once you reach some open park land & let him off his lead, he is like a thing possessed, fairly rapid for a spaniel, changes of direction & speed are instant.
On the way home once we've had our fun, things are a little calmer, the spaniel still panting & puffing, but we head back at a more relaxed space.
Once home he is filthy & requires a good clean.

I love my dog owning experience, I know when I take him out he's going to be a pain in the ****, but once he is unrestrained its a joy. Owning the Alfa appears to be much of the same, happy days!

Though this does sound like exactly my kind of car to be fair - would you be tempted by Jamie Porter’s Alfaworks stuff?


I would be planning a trip to Jamie Porter, apparently he has a training plan to get your Spaniel more obedient without losing the base character


Yeah, a trip to Alfa works is on the cards, wanted to spend some time with it first to get a feel, hopefully appreciate the changes more. I actually spoke to them before buying the car, I think the slight adjustment makes things a little less erattic in a straight line, whilst keeping the 'Alfaness' mental rather than psychopathic would be just right.

Guest 1678

They look after my GTA - good bunch and there is very little they do not know about any of the models.

Highly recommend them.