Brexit Deal


Just seen this.
URGENT Email 13th January 2019

To: The Speaker
House of Commons

Copy Paul Blomfield MP

Dear Sir

Re: URGENT EU Referendum and Alteration of Referendum Data without Authority

Further to your email, concerning lack of disciplinary action about the recent contempt of parliament, I am writing to express concern and to document additional concerns over probity of conduct in Parliament.

EU Referendum Data

1. LEAVE 17,410,742 (36% of the Electorate)
2. REMAIN 16,141,241 (34% of the Electorate)
3. DID NOT VOTE 12,948,018 (30% 0f the Electorate)

The spread of data is so narrow that statistical significance cannot be used to determine a mandate.

This spread of data means that there is no mandate to Leave the EU and there is no mandate to Remain in the EU.

The Referendum Act was determined as an Advisory by Act of Parliament. The Government may choose to disregard this advisory nature and that they must deliver the Will of the People.

But I would point out that:

1. The Will of the People cannot be determined. One could argue 64% of the Electorate did not vote Leave)
2. The Will of the People is only 36% of the Electorate (unadulterated data)
3. Presentation that the Will of the People is 52% is fraudulent (it is the will of two thirds of the Electorate)
4. A campaign of deception is being used to push Brexit through parliament on deception - which is clearly NOT the Will of the People

The EU Referendum is not an Election. It is an Opinion Poll. As such it is a Record of Public Opinion. In this case the Referendum has failed to deliver a mandate to Leave or Remain in the EU.

In order to manufacture 52%, the data from the “Did Not Vote” Group has been excluded.

I have objections to this exclusion as follows:

1. There is no authority in the EU Referendum Act to exclude any data from any group.

2. Excluding such data means that the 52% figure pertains to two thirds of the Electorate and not to:
- the Electorate
- the Public
- the British People

3. The Prime Minister and many other MPs are referring to 52% as Representing the People – which it is not. It is representing only two thirds of the Electorate.

4. There is no mandate of the Electorate, the Public, the British People….. etc

This amounts to:

1. MPs Lying to Parliament
2. Contempt of Parliament
3. MPs lying to the Public
4. A Coup D’Etat in everything but name.

It is to be noted that Parliament never debated the outcome of the EU Referendum; nor did it confirm nor ratify the outcome.

I think this issue should be discussed in Parliament before any vote on any deal, to confirm the lawfulness of what is going on.

It is my belief that the British People will never, ever accept this deception, and I felt it a matter of duty to draw this to your attention.


Ahh tits ,I'm sure wars could have been prevented if a woman got her tits out at just the right moment


Its not technically meaningless at all. That's the whole point.
Gold acts as a currency hedge- hence it is often purchased as a safe haven when currencies are expected to at all time highs in 72 countries around the world.
In your example If you're a Uk investor and apple shares in dollars have gone up 10% but the exchange rate to sterling has moved 15% against you then you're down.
Whats the point of being up in $ but down in £ upon conversion if that is your base currency?
The GBP figures speak for themselves and those are the GBP returns......which is the only thing that matters.

Exactly my point, hence your original comment is factually incomplete, and hence partially true/wrong.
So is your comment “all time high in 72 countries in the world”... is that when translated in those countries’ local currencies? As gold is nowhere it historical high is USD term (the only official reference currency for gold)
I guarantee that if you buy gold today, even if it doesn’t move at all in usd term (again, the reference currency for gold) you will still get a nasty haircut if the GBP recovers from its historical low...
if you really want to hedge your FX exposure, do it with the right tools. But what do I know, I have only been trading FX for 15years ;-)


Exactly my point, hence your original comment is factually incomplete, and hence partially true/wrong.
So is your comment “all time high in 72 countries in the world”... is that when translated in those countries’ local currencies? As gold is nowhere it historical high is USD term (the only official reference currency for gold)
I guarantee that if you buy gold today, even if it doesn’t move at all in usd term (again, the reference currency for gold) you will still get a nasty haircut if the GBP recovers from its historical low...
if you really want to hedge your FX exposure, do it with the right tools. But what do I know, I have only been trading FX for 15years ;-)

Any investment made is BEST valued in an investors “base” currency to determine the true value to them.
Gold is clearly priced in USD as is silver, oil etc but that’s irrelevant as it is readily Convertible to other currencies using the exchange rate hence its price being at all time highs in 72 currencies.

This isn’t much use to Americans but they’re not going through a Brexit but it is use to thousands of investors around the world who watch their currencies devalue and who are looking for a “store of value” to protect them from potential loss.
What do I know, only been in finance for 35 years ;-)

Ps you can get a nasty haircut in any asset, stock, commodity, bond, if the price moves against you!


God, more talk of a peoples vote! I think that is what we had originally, the people voted to leave and establishment were taken by surprise. Can we just move on and get it done.


Just listened to the speach.
Seems she's STILL going to respect the referendum vote which is democtratically good news.
No deal is still on the table (as Labour wont attend) and thats good as that was only ever going to be our realistic negotiating position from day 1.
Maybe without 30 odd Billion they'll reconsider.........


Ps you can get a nasty haircut in any asset, stock, commodity, bond, if the price moves against you!

That statement is very “smart” or you’re really just missing my point...
I was merely calling the double exposure to both the underlying asset (gold) AND the currency (gbp) if un-hedged, which you had failed to point out.
Re-read your original post, if you truly have been a professional investor for 35years, you will understand that it was incomplete and therefore incorrect. If you don’t see that, it might be time for you to retire from the financial industry (unless you are happy to fund other traders’ profits )


UK = laughing stock of the world today... quite a sad state of affairs.
I am still shocked when I hear people arguing we do not need a deal or a soft brexit, and that we are much better off saving ourselves the £50b Brexit bill.
If we go WTO terms, watch the trade deficit due to import tariffs, GBP collapse etc... and the budget deficit due to higher unemployment, higher cost of public service, and likely lower tax receipts etc...
Both deficits which are annually worth around £100bn combined today (slight rounding) are more likely going back to where they have been on average for the past 10years (£140-180bn)...
That 1-off £50bn will feel like the bargain of the century.
But hey - who cares right, some hard line brexiteers will tell us that the office of national statistic cannot be trusted, that it has nothing to do with Brexit as the world economy was slowing down anyway, and that we are open for business because the world is dying to make deals with the UK (as we have one of the lowest productivity in Europe currently).

And in the end who cares, future generations will clean up the mess (just like the debt and the polluted world we are leaving them with).

Afterall the UK was a great empire hundreds of years ago and doesn’t need anybody. (So was France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Egypt etc... centuries ago... look at them now :)

Oooops - I forgot to take my pills again... didn’t mean to rant