ABS unavailable MSP unavailable ASR unavailable - Go to dealer


I had it with two ignition coils going, then again with clutch position sensor going, then one spurious one after when car was searched at Holyhead after I ragged it massively to get there and I had to lift the bonnet, nowt since touch wood...

I think those lights come on when it's confused about what's broken....

Sam McGoo

Afternoon gents, I now have this issue too. I'm in Lowestoft and closest main dealer is 50 miles away in Colchester, with our awful roads it'll feel like 150 miles.

Upon google search I can't find a Maserati specialist closer, does anyone know of one? Or better still can anyone point me in the right direction for an OBD2 reader, the universal ones don't fit my connector.
The battery terminal connectors are pants but I've had the car almost a year now so highly unlikely it's that.

Have you got a new battery yet? ;)
Or disconnected it, cleaned up your terminals and given it a good overnight charge since you got this new problem?
This, and your last parking brake problem, can point to battery issues, as suggested before. At least its a cheap first step to try.
A couple of months ago, I was away for 3 weeks and forgot to put the car on the trickle charger. I also left my OBD2 dongle plugged in which is always powered.
When I got home and started the car (yes it started fine) the Parking brake was stuck on. I stopped and started it a few times, no joy. Disconnected the battery for 10 mins, reconnected, started and all was ok.
Next day, started fine but the car and had all the above lights on!
I disconnected the battery and put it on charge overnight. Never had a problem since.

Start with your 'Pants' terminals. Try a proper overnight charge, then a new battery before you go spending money at garages/dealers.


Firstly thanks so much for all your replies, I genuinely am overwhelmed with the time and effort you lads (and lasses?) have put into trying to help me.

Also I apologise to the original OP for gatecrashing but this thread looked dead and the best way for me to put my issue across as well as putting some light on the matter for others in the future.

As per Sam, yesterday I disconnected battery - the terminal is just slid on top, (it's already maximum tightened so I need new connectors), started the car and and the lights remained. I drove off even with the parking brake "on". Once into "MC shift" all the lights went off other than the ones I've always had. I cleaned the car ( irrelevant I know but I was a lot happier with her by then), an hour later I started it to move into our car port, luckily no lights upon start. So I drove a mile and home and all was well.

I am now hopeful this is deffo battery (loose terminal) related - as Sam mentioned I've had parking brake issues before which a full charge solved.

Also, the day these lights all started the car wouldn't start at all - again, maybe due to the terminals not making connect suffientially.

I will report back on here if there are any further ongoing issues related to the said error codes. A massive +1 to checking battery etc when getting these codes before going to main dealer/specialist.


Definitely sounds like a loose battery terminal. Once, in the space of a mile I had transmission, ABS, traction control and power steering warning lights appear, all for the sake of quarter of a turn on the negative terminal. Once tightened they never reappeared.


Chief pedant
.......Also I apologise to the original OP for gatecrashing but this thread looked dead and the best way for me to put my issue across as well as putting some light on the matter for others in the future......

Absolutely no apology needed, I think it is MUCH better when a similar problem occurs that you add to an existing thread rather than starting a new one.


We have the same issues with our 02 4200 spyder in that the ABS/ASR and once stopped or moving slowly the gearbox light comes on - except we have replaced the faulty wheel sensor and keep the battery on charge. (We also have a new clutch and flywheel). To make matters worse the diagnostics won’t read/find the ABS (and its not a machine fault as it will do on another 02 - apparently the 02 ABS system is different to that for an 03). Anyone any clues.