Are you worried yet.

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There seems to be a clamouring call for a full on military lockdown. In some ways that seems inevitable - there were estimates of 40 per cent of frontline police succumbing to the virus in a few weeks time, which leaves the army. But for people to ask for a lockdown now, because some youths who they’d never get into contact with anyway, are sitting on some park benches?
Then there’s the anger about going to a national park. On the face of it, rightly infuriating. But some built up areas do not have ready or easy access to open spaces. It’s a tricky one...

edit: I was expecting more looting by now. Some dealerships have been done over already I hear
There will be looting where the disaffected youths think they are hard done bt


Anyone managed to figure how this finally plays out?
Seems to me that the entire "western" civilisation is going to be on some sort of isolation/lockdown for quite sometime.
3-6 months being touted around.

But what happens if at that point its all resolved...lets say in Oz and the Uk. Do we all just go out again?

Surely international travel is not going to resume at that point, or if it does will their be quarantine? Will people be issued with some type of certificate if they travel that says they have anti-bodies (if indeed they even exist?)

Half the planet may still be battling it, ME, India, Africa,.......presumably they stay cut off, Europe too by the looks of the way its going there.

I cannot see life as it was returning for many, many, years.

Seems to me that each economy will have to become largely self sufficient to a degree, create the skills, jobs and trade internally through the process as it unfolds.


Figured it all chance....I'm 47 years old and still very much learning every day! I do seem to be further down the line than some though evidently so I'll take that as a positive.

I am thinking your way as well that we are 2-3 years off getting anywhere close to normality. That is presuming this really doesn't hit much harder and deeper than we are thinking. If it does......goodness only knows!

I think it would be a really good and positive step if we can all learn many lessons from all of this. I still disagree with many that there needs to be growth. There doesn't. We need to live within our means. As people, as countries and as a planet.

I hope many businesses will be responsible and brave to not re-instate 100% of what we had a month or so ago. There is so much wrong with it lets start again. We have an opportunity here that I feel will be lost on most. We don't need people to have 4,5 6 or more holidays a year. We don't need so much travel. We have shrunk the globe and embraced this globalisation to a point that it has gone too far. Lets step back a little and re-localise.

I can't see how the international travel floodgates could or should be opened. However if we go through the next 3-12 months and the whole population could have passed the virus then the risk of catching it again or infecting others is small to none. Unless it mutates I guess.

I think we should become much more self sufficient. With Brexit now initiated maybe this current CV crisis could be utilised as a catalyst to break up the whole of Europe's single market. A great concept but flawed in reality. Maybe think again and create something similar but different.

We need to tackle so many issues that I personally don't feel is healthy. Debt levels as a country and personal levels need to be reduced. There are some core fundamentals that really need to change....and we will see a benefit from this. We need to stop rewarding failure. It is everywhere. Football managers that get sacked for doing a poor job often but still paid out for the rest of their contract. If we stopped all these flawed processes then we will start rewarding the people that deserve it. All the way up and down the food chain.

No company on earth needs to be and should be big enough and powerful enough to be worth $1tn. It is excess. There is so much inefficiency so much waste. We just don't seem to be bold enough or brave enough to take some tough decisions. We all know EV is a cra4p half arsed attempt at a plaster at best that won't resolve many issues. Lets ditch it and take one big brave step further. The future isn't EV as that is here today.....the future is the future so we need to be thinking better and bigger.

I'm a little bored with things being OK and just good enough. Sometimes not even that. We need some bold brave people out there to make some big bold changes. Some real creative thinkers.


This is a very good watch.
He makes some very good points and around 30mins talks about what can be done.
Chloroquine is available over the counter I believe in the Uk.
I got some on script over here a week or so ago...just in case......figured it can’t do any harm.

Available in the Uk over the counter...just in case.


There will be looting where the disaffected youths think they are hard done bt

We all know there aren't enough police , if the scum of the UK start taking this as an opportunity to loot we're going to need a lot more, ask retired coppers to come back on desk duties and get the younger ones on the streets

You only have to look at the gangs of youths running amok in supermarkets in the US in normal times to see it won't take much for them to think free for all , they won't need a gun , just the threat of spitting might be enough to stop anyone but the police intervening

Scumbags like this need stamping on quickly67732
I'd be happy to see Guantanamo bay style prisons built to house them , **** whatever human rights they have .

Yesterday a mate told me one of his neighbours in his mid 70s who'd been self isolating for 2 weeks went to check on a neighbour, on his way back to his house a gang surrounded him and started coughing in his face so now he's terrified he's got it.

Something needs to change , fast


edit: I was expecting more looting by now.

Started here, 2 years ago in the snow an area of Dublin used a JCB to rip the roof off an Aldi to steal the food, 2 years later to the day the same area used a JCB to rip the roof off a Maccy Ds - shows that some people are more worried about getting a Big Mac than a killer virus or prison sentence


Chief pedant
Once you've had it and recovered you (almost certainly, to please everyone) no longer catch it OR transmit it to anyone else.

Does that help?

A pedant writes...
The indications are that if you have had it and recovered you will have developed a strong level of immunity, so if your body encounters the virus again your body will quickly destroy it, preventing a further outbreak. So you will not be coughing millions of viruses onto other people. BUT if the virus us prevalent in the environment, you may still have some of them on your skin or in your lungs, so could be a minor source of infection, like any other surface coated in viruses.


Totally agree. Unfortunately it seems to be human nature to seek out and repeat the most negative stories, and the Press panders to this.

It always has been since William Caxton bought the printing press to England

Yes Ye Rupert Murdock, you can spread bad news much further than the street corner now, verily I wind this handle and it speweth forth

And finally at the end of news at 10 was the only bit of good news, probably bought in to stop people at the door on their way to hang themselves
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