I wonder what the previous owner discovered?


My wife isn’t a fan of my GTS but no way am I selling it :p
I would add that she doesn’t like the classic mustang either (old cars smell apparently) and I won’t be selling that anytime soon either, as I said on a previous thread, “she does not get cars“ but to be fair she has not problem with me having whatever cars I want.


Indirectly although not the best example of justifiable man maths the SZ became the most expensive car in history so it will have to stay
Ahh well .. some you lose and others you don't win. The <much disliked by wife > 1984 911 convertible was hostage in divorce. AT the time I was ready to relinquish all monies in lieu of just the car. Almost went through until she realised how much a car meant to me (compared to a marriage??) and offer was withdrawn. Shows how much hurt can be done in a split. They are just things though, and far from unique.

Still want iL mostro one day though, love to have ride in yours when we are free to mingle once again.


This thread makes me feel fortunate that I can buy any car I like without constraints.
My money, my taste, my choice.
a life free of constraints and unlimited man maths! Think how mad you could go!