Italian Job 1969


Chief pedant
They are my favourite and most comfortable shoes. My first Barkers. Sadly rather more than £75 for a re-sole, but I still love them. I have to sign that I won't hold Barkers responsible if they fall apart when I send them back now.

Nice(ish) customer service story. Dropped a(nother) pair off at Bow Lane to be resoled in January. Normal 6 week turn around of course bang lock down hits.

No success in getting in touch as restrictions start to lift, then I get an email that refurbishments are open again. So try again with an email.
Next day an unknown number calls me: Hello Mr Matthews, Barkers shoes here. I've found your shoes. They are being couriered back from Bow Lane today. If you can let me have the best address, I'll have them couriered to you tomorrow,

And lo! The DHL man arrived with a lovely wrapped box and my shoes. With another shoe horn and another pair of laces and another polishing cloth.

I think I know have about 17 of each :D


Shoe pørn:
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