The good morning thread


Cheers Andy feel Good having saved it as nothing worse than seeing nice cars piled on top of each other in scrapyards.
Said neighbours must be a bit sick Phil, well done mate, done your bit for Greta , lovely out there this morning if not a bit windy


Good morning everyone, full of the joys of spring this morning. Which is wierd as I had a very short sleep getting in late from The (only) Buzzcock(s) gig and up early for work today.

However, here's a tune to give you the sense of my mood...and no I'm not lending anyone any money....



Morning all beginning of Easter break for kids , I might make more trips to the office over the next 2 weeks.

The Mini looks great Phil but as with all of them its not really a mini more BMW Maxi ;)
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Morning and what went on while I was asleep...? Oh well. Trundling into town in the rain in a white Malibu for a hiring fair and hope to be home well before noon...hope all are well, and good on you @philw696!



Run club then last push to sort MIL's house before the professionals come in on Monday. There's a loft!

Have a good one, all

I hope it is nothing like my parents’ one. Stuffed to the brim with the possessions of every maiden aunt we had - about 4 of them I reckon. If something broke or got replaced, it was also put into the attic (no concept of using the local tip). We have barely emptied it after nearly a year and a half!


I hope it is nothing like my parents’ one. Stuffed to the brim with the possessions of every maiden aunt we had - about 4 of them I reckon. If something broke or got replaced, it was also put into the attic (no concept of using the local tip). We have barely emptied it after nearly a year and a half!

Possibly worse. So far I have *at least* 20 *boxes* of VHS / Beta cassettes. Many *many* unlabelled. The labelled ones are nearly worse. Who in the name of God puts a Betamax of Blackadder III *in the loft*?

This is more a 'strip out what we're keeping' exercise. We have no desire or space for the stuff, and the house needs to be sold to pay for her residential care. So we're paying a local hospice (1) to clear our everything else.

Mrs C has suddenly found the exercise a bit emotional, she never lived in the house, but it's sobering looking at cupboards and cupboards of stuff that once was valued enough (at least) for someone to buy it, and now is just detritus.

There's the humour though. Mrs C's brother is taking (one of) the freezers. We went to empty it to find the national ice cream reserve secreted within. The by-products of dementia.

I suspect we'll be checking slides for the next 10 years.


(1) Mrs C's brother has early onset Parkinson's and is planning his EOL care at a local hospice, so it's all going to them.


One man's treasure is another man's trash Chris.

I have done one house this year and have another on the horizon for the end of the year.

P60s from 1956!!! along with bank statements from the same time tothe present day.


Special case
Possibly worse. So far I have *at least* 20 *boxes* of VHS / Beta cassettes. Many *many* unlabelled. The labelled ones are nearly worse. Who in the name of God puts a Betamax of Blackadder III *in the loft*?

This is more a 'strip out what we're keeping' exercise. We have no desire or space for the stuff, and the house needs to be sold to pay for her residential care. So we're paying a local hospice (1) to clear our everything else.

Mrs C has suddenly found the exercise a bit emotional, she never lived in the house, but it's sobering looking at cupboards and cupboards of stuff that once was valued enough (at least) for someone to buy it, and now is just detritus.

There's the humour though. Mrs C's brother is taking (one of) the freezers. We went to empty it to find the national ice cream reserve secreted within. The by-products of dementia.

I suspect we'll be checking slides for the next 10 years.


(1) Mrs C's brother has early onset Parkinson's and is planning his EOL care at a local hospice, so it's all going to them.
That’s a pretty gloomy read Chris, tough times. Hang on to those Betamax, I hear it is making a comeback.


That’s a pretty gloomy read Chris, tough times. Hang on to those Betamax, I hear it is making a comeback.

Thanks! It wasn't meant to be gloomy particularly but I look around now at our collections and, well....

PS We have no working Betamax players (we found 6 in the house. None power up) and even if they did, we have nothing to display the images on. Before we even get to the time required,

I loved / love my parents in law dearly but both myself and Mrs C have pretty much vowed that we're not going to leave the same issue for someone else. (Mrs C has about 3000 Leyton Orient programs. This has been a wake up call for her...)



Thanks! It wasn't meant to be gloomy particularly but I look around now at our collections and, well....

PS We have no working Betamax players (we found 6 in the house. None power up) and even if they did, we have nothing to display the images on. Before we even get to the time required,

I loved / love my parents in law dearly but both myself and Mrs C have pretty much vowed that we're not going to leave the same issue for someone else. (Mrs C has about 3000 Leyton Orient programs. This has been a wake up call for her...)

Pays to be an orphan sometimes. That said, I hate my children so much that my last will & testament's first proviso is that my estate shall be liquidated to gather the contents of a secondhand store with those items to be delivered to my home before any of the other codicils can be implemented.


Pays to be an orphan sometimes. That said, I hate my children so much that my last will & testament's first proviso is that my estate shall be liquidated to gather the contents of a secondhand store with those items to be delivered to my home before any of the other codicils can be implemented.

Fortunately my parents are 50% done already. Mother is in a care home. Father we'll have the same issue with the house, but bluntly most of it can be torched. I doubt my sister will feel the same when push comes to shove but only time will tell.



Fortunately my parents are 50% done already. Mother is in a care home. Father we'll have the same issue with the house, but bluntly most of it can be torched. I doubt my sister will feel the same when push comes to shove but only time will tell.

People are funny when it comes to "stuff." I have quite literally never inherited a thing, and would not have known what to do if I had. But I have seen families torn apart over something as dumb as a lamp (really!)...hate that you are dealing with all this, my friend.


Chief pedant
My attic and office are both totally stuffed with junk, I'm sorry to admit, but I might clear it up in time. I have told the kids that there is nothing actually valuable, and they can torch it all.

Conversely, my father has downsized three times, and has a very compact and organised life now, so less of a challenge.

MrsMM's late father was a different challenge, as his house was destroyed by a big fire about 4 years before he died, so much was gone then, and much was in storage, so the sort-out took place in a huge empty warehouse, which helped. About 4 van-loads to the tip, 4 van-loads to the auction house (about £850 net) and one van-load to each daughter's home (now in our att).


My attic and office are both totally stuffed with junk, I'm sorry to admit, but I might clear it up in time. I have told the kids that there is nothing actually valuable, and they can torch it all.

Conversely, my father has downsized three times, and has a very compact and organised life now, so less of a challenge.

MrsMM's late father was a different challenge, as his house was destroyed by a big fire about 4 years before he died, so much was gone then, and much was in storage, so the sort-out took place in a huge empty warehouse, which helped. About 4 van-loads to the tip, 4 van-loads to the auction house (about £850 net) and one van-load to each daughter's home (now in our att).
Repeated divorces help you shed unwanted items. Just sayin.


Good morning everyone 14 days of the Fast done and achieved lots.
Hope you all have a Great Sunday a chilled day ahead for us and lit the cuisinière this morning as a chill in the air.


Good morning Phil and good morning all. Quiet day today after going for a walk yesterday and ending up in the pub with more than one glass of wine being consumed.