Brexit Deal


Essex, sadly. Mail order? Thanks for the heads up

Nope on the mail order unfortunately. However if you’re ever up to London get yourself to Edgware Road off Marble Arch for authentic Middle Eastern food. You’ll be spoiled for choice and quality foods.;)
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That is no longer the case. YouGov (one of the respected pollsters) poll this morning is 62% Remain, 38% Leave.

If it was still hovering around the 50:50, I might agree with you (I would still argue the lies, illegal activity and foreign interference should void the 23rd June result, and a second confirmation check should be run) but 62:38 is unambiguous.

It's "the will of the people" no longer holds water. Indeed, it is more and more clear that the will of the people is to Remain.

To Leave in the face of that will would be unjust, and not British.

I am not sure it is unambiguous, more we do not have no confidence in you but is a damaging result that a 1/3 of the electorate does not support your leadership.

I regret the decision to leave but what is more worrying is how it has been implemented. And those blaming the opposition for not holding the government to account... Perhaps the British people would have been better served if they had not sought to punish the Lib Dems for their role in a coalition government.

Whether you think the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn is suitable to govern, the Conservatives as dominant partner in a coalition and then as the majority party have consistently shown themselves not to be capable.

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Nope on the mail order unfortunately. However if you’re ever up to London get yourself to Edgware Road off Marble Arch for authentic Middle Eastern food. You’ll be spoiled for choice and quality foods.

‘s the truth. My last office was on Edgware Road. The smell of kebabs was wonderful.


The UK electorate is allergic to common sense it seems...
No to coalition governments...too moderate or centrist or something !
No to PR...(referendum held) said "no"


Yep couldn't agree more, this whole situation is truly mental, mental chicken oriental...We desperately need calmness and clarity.
Yup, when an individual who manufactured a fake war with a gun toting **** in the Us claims to know what’s best for all of us we’ve reached the point of truly bizarre.
Isn’t he a potential war criminal?
Imagine if Sadam had assassinated that journalist........blind eyes turned everywhere, hypocrisy at its finest.
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I’m traumatised.... how can it be that the most sensible politician of our time is Tony Blair?
I share your trauma. But for very different reasons.

In the interest of brevity, and so specifically to Brexit, it is widely accepted that immigration was the key factor in the result. Yet Blair was responsible for uncontrolled numbers arriving from '04 onwards. Despite warning after warning, including from his own officials, Blair didn't impose transitional controls. As most of the rest of the EU did. Restricting access to their labour markets for 7 years. The result being immigration from the A8 countries (+Cypres & Malta) took net annual EU migration from 15K to 127K within 3 years. Yet Blair claims it was the '08 financial crash to blame. Another of his blatant lies. You may also be interesting in reading up about his dodgy deal with the Romanian Gov. ahead of their joining in '07. The result being unprecedented levels of illegal immigration.

I've been trying to avoid commenting any further on this thread. Then this. "The most sensible politician of our time". Really? You have Blair to thank for there ever being a referendum in the first place.


I share your trauma. But for very different reasons.

In the interest of brevity, and so specifically to Brexit, it is widely accepted that immigration was the key factor in the result. Yet Blair was responsible for uncontrolled numbers arriving from '04 onwards. Despite warning after warning, including from his own officials, Blair didn't impose transitional controls. As most of the rest of the EU did. Restricting access to their labour markets for 7 years. The result being immigration from the A8 countries (+Cypres & Malta) took net annual EU migration from 15K to 127K within 3 years. Yet Blair claims it was the '08 financial crash to blame. Another of his blatant lies. You may also be interesting in reading up about his dodgy deal with the Romanian Gov. ahead of their joining in '07. The result being unprecedented levels of illegal immigration.

I've been trying to avoid commenting any further on this thread. Then this. "The most sensible politician of our time". Really? You have Blair to thank for there ever being a referendum in the first place.

I agree with everything you said. Hence my trauma...


Interesting article on line as to what happened to NZ when the UK joined the EU in 73.
74 massive recession that lasted several years really affecting the normal people as the Rich never suffer to much.
Now they are totally in bed with the Chinese and most of the really rich are Asians.
The poor are still poor and I know as I was part of raising $250,000 in 2017 doing the Pork Pie in the Mini.
I really hope the UK can get through this even though I now live in France as its still my homeland.


View attachment 53077
Yup, when an individual who manufactured a fake war with a gun toting **** in the Us claims to know what’s best for all of us we’ve reached the point of truly bizarre.
Isn’t he a potential war criminal?
Imagine if Sadam had assassinated that journalist........blind eyes turned everywhere, hypocrisy at its finest.

I'll never forget that day Tony B stood up in Congress while George Dubya was talking about going to war in Iraq. The uncomfortable look on Blair's face standing up to an applause when George was calling (thanking) him a "friend". Where exactly were those WMD's? What happened to these poor casualties of War in that campaign.

When the president (George B) comes out with a statement like...."The trouble with the French, is that they don't have a word for Entrepreneur"...Then you know you're in trouble...:eek:

Calm, clear, cool heads, the country desperately needs this.
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We have to keep the debate lively ;)
Any Clarity on pensions etc for your situation? As there seems to be nothing concrete since triggering Article 50.. What do you suppose will now be in place for such a situation of Brits going to the E.U to live/retire over there and the existing Brits currently living over there, say in Spain/France etc. Genuine concern here as prior to Referendum it was not an issue. On a lighter note I'm still PMSL at your picture post 674.