Business Partnerships


Will do that tmrw, can't now because I'm watching '90 Day Fiance' - priorities!

Not afraid to go anywhere, even Sheffield...
No rush. Trying to get tired so I can sleep!

I was born in Edmonton and lived in Enfield for a while but glad I don't now. Don't think I wouldn't fancy Middlesbrough though. Should think you'd get a mansion for couple of hundred k there!

I'm quite happy where we are now. Lovely little old place.


Just wanting to pick the brains of those in business with someone else.

I have two businesses, one which I have run solely for over 8 years and another which I have with another guy, which we have had for coming up to 3 years.

I've just done a bit of an audit on the expenses for the company and it 'appears' that my business partner has been, basically taking the p*ss!
His mileage expenses are ridiculous, he puts through the entire cost of land line rather than the work calls (over a year it comes to over £500!), and worst of all it looks like he's been using our company money to fund another company of his.
We also employ his wife for a grand a month to do the books, and in my opinion she can only do about 2 or 3 days a month at best!

My quandary is that I stand to make a load of money from the other company in a couple of years time when it is sold, however, in the meantime I don't think it is right that he is syphoning funds from our company to pay for the other especially when I am bringing all of the money into the company and have yet to receive any income from it.

I'm guessing we would also owe the tax man a fair wedge as well rather than it being 'expenses'.

I figure he owes our company about ten grand.

Anyone else dealt with such issues?
Yes and nipped it in the bud. Ended.

The problem that I think you’ll have moving forward is that the “trust” will never be the same.

He’s either been syphoning off money to the other company with or without your permission/knowledge. You must have some solid legal things in place if you’re to benefit from its sale but this doesn’t seem like it was the agreed way for it, that business to be built up!

If you don’t have anything solid in place re the sale I’d personally now be doubting that he’s potentially gonna do the right thing!

Seems you need to deal with the matter head on and resolve it appropriately -depending upon the conclusions you arrive at!

One things for sure, he and his wife have got some questions to answer.

Good luck.