Dead as a Dodo


It all started with a key. See the key fob thread.
So there I was. Key stuck in the ignition. All power gone. 8:30pm rain and losing light. On the drive fortunately.
Dead. Phut.
Locks to manual with the spare key.
Charger in boot.
Boot won't open

An hour later I'd been tutored in opening the boot (where the pull chord is) and how to extract the key (remove round tab in front of ignition, poke with a pen)

That was in conversation with Chris (Catman) and phone with Matt.

Where else can you do that? Matt with unbounded help after a fratchy full day and Chris so responsive on site.

So, this afternoon. Some quick voltage checks showed ok voltage between terminals but 0 volts from +ve terminal to -ve connection. Bad -ve connection. Just as Chris advised.
Remove, light abrasive, a bit of switch cleaner and up she fires.

We do all sorts on the forum: banter tease rant joke and diagnose.
However I have to say, after many years in enthusiast and forums, there's nothing anywhere near this forum. And that means the fraternity here.

Quite remarkable.

Many thanks Matt and Chris

She's just having a precautionary charge up.
Blasted key is still busted.
Ah well
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