Shere Hill Climb 1st September 2024


I'm very proud to say that I'm doing the Shere Hill Climb for the 4th year running.
Now, I cannot impress on you enough how much of a gem of an event this is. It's tucked away in the beautiful Surrey Hills and the collection of cars is very eclectic. From a ratty 2CV to a Nitrous Ford Falcon and practically everything in-between, maybe apart from the Halfords Accessories shopper.
Entries have closed for this but you can still go as a visitor but if we get enough, I'll have a word with Martin the organiser to see if we can get an area for SportsMaserati and cheaper entry. I have to pay £100 for the privilege of going up the hill three times, four if I'm lucky and all that goes to set up, marshalls, ambulance etc. Anything leftover and entries on the day goes to local charities. So if you're interested, stick your name down. It's on the 1st September and is usually very sunny.
