3200 radio


Junior Member
Hi all,
Just fitted a new stereo to my 3200- I didn't do a how-to with pics for 2 reasons - the first being that I followed Jagpurr's how-to on removing the dashboard top (needed to do this to install my GPS antenna in the correct place for good reception) and the second being that the actual details of taking out and putting in of the old and new radios depends entirely on the type/make you have, and what wires/leads they each have.

Anyway, excuses over, and my thanks to Jagpurr, who made the first bit very easy indeed. Parts of it however, were NOT easy!:hammer2:

I ended up having to take both carpet panels off on either side of the centre console between the footwells, and even then managed to rip the back of my left hand to buggery, trying to cajole and prise various different wires out of the way of the unit as I was trying to fit it in. Took about an hour of wrestling with it, and trying the wires in various different positions!

I ended up getting the ZENEC NC510, after Loz had pointed it out on maseratiforum. Works a treat too! The flipscreen abutts the leather dash below the clock, but rests at a good angle in terms of being able to view the screen, it has satnav, radio, ipod control, bluetooth handsfree for your phone and plays DVDs as well as a host of other inputs and outputs which I'm not going to use.

Rather than fanny on trying to get the wire to the handbrake connected to allow DVD viewing when parked, I simply connected that wire to the ground, and the restriction is now off - still won't be watching DVDs while on the move though - but thought that was a simpler solution than trying to take apart the centre console and find the handbrake switch as well!!



I'm sure you'll agree that it doesn't look as good as the Becker radio, but it does a whole lot more, and was what I wanted...


I' ve got becker Indianapolis pro's in both the Ghibli & 3200 they work a treat and are as close to factory as you can get. no screen but in a lot of ways it's better. Navigation is first class ,in my every day car I'm for ever looking at the map & not listening to the instructions!!!!


For the specification and price its extremely good value, and its Swiss made, nearest designer name with the same spec is atleast £250 dearer, i think it looks good in there,and bang for the buck it puts the Becker to shame by miles
Becker as far as im concerned is highly overated

regards loz