Auto Italia Brooklands May 2nd


Junior Member
Small group of us coming up from Hastings to Junction 5 tomorrow morning. Aim to get to Clacket Lane services for about 7:45am as apparently that's where a bunch of Lamborghinis are meeting first before heading on to Brooklands.

Hope to out some names to faces tomorrow!



Junior Member
Unfortunately I have been sidelined with a flu type bug so I won't make it to Brooklands tomorrow. Shame as the parade laps would have been heaps of fun. I hope you all have a fabulous day and the rain stays away. Post pictures please!!!!


Spent a few hours today giving the GS a thorough clean. Filled her with fuel tonight and had a chat with guy with a very clean bright red Integrale who is also going tomorrow. His reaction was a picture when I blipped the throttle and then left in Sport mode!


Unfortunately I have been sidelined with a flu type bug so I won't make it to Brooklands tomorrow. Shame as the parade laps would have been heaps of fun. I hope you all have a fabulous day and the rain stays away. Post pictures please!!!!

Boo! I shall have to keep the yellow flag flying tomorrow alone again!

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Unfortunately I have been sidelined with a flu type bug so I won't make it to Brooklands tomorrow. Shame as the parade laps would have been heaps of fun. I hope you all have a fabulous day and the rain stays away. Post pictures please!!!!

Sorry to hear that, Blondie. Whilst of course we all wish you a speedy recovery and are sorry for your ailment, it seems wrong to deny your car the chance of a day out amongst its kith and kin. So, ah... I'll drop by around 8 if you could have it all buffed and polished..?

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Spent a few hours today giving the GS a thorough clean. Filled her with fuel tonight and had a chat with guy with a very clean bright red Integrale who is also going tomorrow. His reaction was a picture when I blipped the throttle and then left in Sport mode!

Looking forward to my senses being thoroughly assaulted by your car tomorrow, MAF. I'll text you when we leave the services on the A120/M11 and then I'll have the co-pilot text you as we head round the M25. I noticed it's riddled with those grey speed cameras so I'll be at a steady 65, same as usual.


Looking forward to my senses being thoroughly assaulted by your car tomorrow, MAF. I'll text you when we leave the services on the A120/M11 and then I'll have the co-pilot text you as we head round the M25. I noticed it's riddled with those grey speed cameras so I'll be at a steady 65, same as usual.

It'll be good practice for Le Mans. My alarm is set for 7, I reckon you'll be with me around 7:40 assuming you're not hooning!

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Bit miffed - my GoPro is a GonePro. Lost the bugger. Must have left it in a hotel, or had it pinched from one. Can't believe I've only just noticed. Will need to replace by Le Mans.


Forum Owner
Have fun guys, MAF/Dem, look out for David and Ken they are members and will be lording it up on the balcony on the clubhouse!

I am there with you in spirit!

hilts uk

Home. Had a great day. Blagged a spot on the test track with the other Mazzers and then did the test hill 3 times. Car is a bit stone chipped but it was worth it. Good to meet some of you today and put some names to place. My only complaint is that some of you need to get your exhausts checked as I think they sounded a bit too loud.