GTS Rear Disk, Brake Pad & Handbrake Shoe Woes. Help!


Hi all

Just had one of those "oh sh..." moments that I guess we all dread. Beautiful weather so I thought I'd take the opportunity to replace the handbrake shoes with the new ones that I recently purchased. Everything came apart easily but my heart sank when I saw the state of the shoes and the inside of the disk (also the state of brake pad but that comes further down in this message). What on earth could have caused this damage to the shoes and the disk:

Handbrake Shoe.jpg

Inside Disk - handbrake.jpg

Also, the inside face of the disk is not good and neither is the inside brake pad - some very weird damage and uneven wear:
Inside Brake Pad.jpg

Inside Disk.jpg

However, the outside face of the disk and the outside pad are fine:
Outside Disk.jpg

So - obviously I need a new disk (if the other disk is OK can I get away with one disk or should I always change as a pair? I guess I know the answer...). And I also need new pads.

But before I go ahead and replace the disks, pads and shoes I'd like to try and understand what could be causing this so that it doesn't simply happen again. Does anyone have any thoughts? It passed its MOT 2 weeks ago - is this safe to drive? It's onbiously been like this for a while and it's been stopping OK.

I haven't checked the other rear wheel - didn't have the stomach for it :-(

@conaero - my daughter just started at a boarding school down the road from you guys. How long would you need the car to swap both rear disks, pads and brake shoes. If it's safe to drive then it might just make more sense to make an appointment with the professionals whilst I visit her.....

Thx everyone.

Right - where did I leave that beer.......


The inside of the brake drum for the handbrake looks very sad and I suspect needs skimming or replacing.

Replace the discs in pairs.


British weather is a major attribution to that and most likely not been removed for a while to check clean and adjust in my opinion.


I reckon that pad has been damaged by someone forcing it in instead of pushing the pistons back. The handbrake surface was probably buggered by a delaminated shoe which they then just replaced rather than both the shoe and disc.


Given I never use the handbrake. I would not be too bothered about the drum as long as it worked for the mot and the disc itself is still OK.


Given I never use the handbrake. I would not be too bothered about the drum as long as it worked for the mot and the disc itself is still OK.
To be fair if you want it to pass the MOT you want to use it once in awhile to ensure it works.

Sam McGoo

As others have said, the rear shoes are only used for the hand brake.
It's pretty common for them to delaminate.
If they get applied and left for a while after driving in the rain, they sometimes get stuck on. Driver then pulls away and with a big bang, they release, taking a bit of the shoe with it. This then sits in the drum grinding away.

If funds were tight, you 'could' just replace the shoes and if correctly adjusted would probably be fine.
My main concern would be how thin has the drum worn, and whether that could be a potential weak point.

If funds allow, replace rotas, pads and shoes, get them properly adjusted and use the 'park off' button whenever the car is wet to avoid future issues.


British weather is a major attribution to that and most likely not been removed for a while to check clean and adjust in my opinion.
I did notice, when I took the rear wheel off, that there was quite a bit of fine gravel on top of the rear frame. So not sure if is has just accumulated over time or if the car ended up in some gravel at some stage which made its way into the drum and subsequently caused all the scoring. Looking forward to getting the disks upgraded, putting some braided hoses on (anyone have any recommendations?) and getting them bled. I was thinking of fitting some EBC Red Stuff pads - anyone have any thoughts / experience of these or are there any other suggestions?


I did notice, when I took the rear wheel off, that there was quite a bit of fine gravel on top of the rear frame. So not sure if is has just accumulated over time or if the car ended up in some gravel at some stage which made its way into the drum and subsequently caused all the scoring. Looking forward to getting the disks upgraded, putting some braided hoses on (anyone have any recommendations?) and getting them bled. I was thinking of fitting some EBC Red Stuff pads - anyone have any thoughts / experience of these or are there any other suggestions?
Zep can offer you braided hoses along with uprated larger diameter discs. Go with his Ferodo DS pads that suit the larger discs well.
Drop him a pm.


To be fair if you want it to pass the MOT you want to use it once in awhile to ensure it works.
I do when I forget to press park off and then swear as I have to put the key back in and switch it off again.