Hello :) Thinking of going from a rotary to an italian v8...


New Member
Hi everyone,

For those of you who are interested this is my current car a heavily modified 1993 Mazda RX7 pushing out close enough to 450hp (360 at the wheels and capable of more).


Now for why ive joined :) Ive been looking at the following 3200,4200 and the Quattroporte V ( I think I prefer the 3200 out the three ) and I'm here to do some research, no stranger to forums, research and attentive maintenance ( and costs ).

Many thanks


Welcome Adam

This forum is a great place to learn. Hope you enjoy your research...



New Member
Just north of Newcastle :) Theres a dealer who specialises in TVR's who has a few in at the moment just 10miles away from me.


Forum Owner
Morning Adam.

The Japenese tuning culture is well known and we'll establish. The Italians don't lend themselves to crazy modification.

First off to get an idea of what your after it's important to establish what your planning to do with a Maserati then we will be able to assist.

That's not to say we are all staid and boring, far from it, there is a massive social scene behind the forum which you should take advantage of.


New Member
I want something which I know I wont modify, why would you!

I really don't need a car as I walk to work, shops are on my doorstep and i will do at most 3000 miles a year, my cars are my pride and joy I just look after them. Id use it as more of a weekend or two three times a week car. Looks good, I can only imagine its comfortable and has the power to go with it for when I do want to have some fun.


3200 for sure if used to Turbo Japanese cars as it is the most similar bonkers out of the 3 masers and I've owned all three so can comment. I'm selling a lovely low miles one previous owner 3200 if you want one.


New Member
I would be interested and if you have an advert id love to see it, to know what a good one goes for :)

Right now I would need to sell the RX7 first before I can properly look at one to buy. Ive read the buyers guide and currently looking at the what to look for thread, don't suppose theres a guide price thread ?


I wrote the buyers guide so glad it has been helpful.

There is no real price guide but I sold my last example manual with 60k miles on for around the £15k mark. Good cars with low miles are in this area and higher miles cars with less history can start at £10k.

Expect to pay £15-18k from a good reputable dealer for a good car (Richard Grace etc...)

There is a thread for mine on here, I will PM you details.


Welcome to SM. I went for the 4200 manual on the basis of having a better reputation on reliability than the 3200 & 4200 Cambio Corsa and that I wanted a NA V8 rather than twin turbo. After spending some time on the forum I have learnt that it is not necessary true that the 4200s are more reliable like with every other car they are a sum of their parts and if not looked after right by previous owners it will either break or cost a lot to bring up to standard. As these are exotics with expensive parts there are a lot of poor maintained examples floating around. Mine has suffered from this to an extent but what has mainly let it down is poor quality labour causing more problems than resolve.

I do love the single aluminium body as well as the boomerang tail lights on the 3200 it makes it quite special. I would want a later model that has an OBDII port.

Good luck with selling your RX7 and with whatever you decide to buy I'm sure you won't be disappointed they are great cars.


Isn't the shell all 1 piece on the 3200? The front wheel arches go into the A pillar as one piece while on the 4200 it's seperate. It is evident evenue in low res photos... or is it not made out of aluminum??


Isn't the shell all 1 piece on the 3200? The front wheel arches go into the A pillar as one piece while on the 4200 it's seperate. It is evident evenue in low res photos... or is it not made out of aluminum??

It's effectively one panel and is lead loaded from what I gather. The body isn't aluminium though it's steel.

The engine is Aluminium Alloy :D


Forgot to say welcome aboard Geordie!
Re your choices. If you have not already, test drive good examples of each, although you seem to know already that you want a coupe not a saloon so the QP may be third place.
The 42 and 32 are both great value ways into Italian GT motoring, they may look similar from some profiles but they are different beasts for sure. They produce as close as no matter, the same output other than torque, which the 32 rules...... ;) although the smooth acceleration of the 42 gets you to 60 roughly the same as dumped turbo acceleration of the 32 it has to be said. Both can have their exhausts moded for throatier sounds if you want that but willing to admit that the NA Ferrari lump on the 42 handles this better to my ears although others may argue this.
Finding a sorted, cared for and good one of either is getting more difficult each year, particularly the 32 IMO. Phil's guide for the 32 is a good place to start with what to look out for. IMO, a book full of stamps for either is not as important as evidence that advisories have been seen to at the same time. The 32 in particular, can rack up a list of small advisories and still be perfectly drivable but will cost the next owner an arm and leg to bring back. Expect to part with mid teens to twenties to get a sorted one of either. For a war chest, account for an average of up to1.5 a year for the 42 and 2 for the 32 and you will not go far wrong. Whichever you choose, enjoy the hunt........that is part of the fun!


Carnt believe I missed this thread I also had a a rx7 turbo II and the 13b twin turbo , wish I never sold her !