Help removing Navtrak


New Member
Hi guys, please can someone help. You’ll see from my other post I’ve been trying to locate the tracker in my car due to suspected parasitic drain. I have now located and disconnected all of the plugs (haven’t cut anything). Only one cable left which doesn’t have a plug and disappears down into the harness.

The car doesn’t start now, which isn’t a surprise as I read that’d be the case on a GT as it needs to be bypassed.

Can anyone advise the process for this please? Feel free to PM me if you don’t want to share that info publicly.

Sam McGoo


Have a look through that from when I went through the same thing a couple of years back.

I never got time to trace where the TCU signal wire was and I needed the car, so just put it all back together again.

I've had a new battery in the car since, and it does last longer before it starts to slow turning over. I reckon about 4 weeks standing still would be about the limit before it wouldn't start.

For now, if not driven, I have a CTEK on a timer plug that comes on overnight once a week.

If you do manage to find the wire to bypass, please let me know via PM and I'll bypass mine the next time I'm in the area of the tracker.