Insulate Britain protests


When will people learn? Sticking the thermostat up to 30 degrees isn't going to warm a room up any quicker than normal.

It's fizzicks, init.

If you're cold wear a jumper.


It’s interesting to see all the commotion over a few pensioners blocking some roads. We had a water crisis in the Cape in 2018 and we’ve had an electricity crisis in all of SA on and off since 2008(!). During the water crisis, caused by drought, population growth, leaking infrastructure and of course unlimited use by consumers, we were down to 50L per day per person. Bear in mind, flushing a toilet is already 6-8L and if you jump in the shower for 2 minutes you’ve easily used 16L. And feck the garden. But we all managed and we all did our bit to keep usage to a minimum. Yes we complained, but we did it. Similarly with electricity, as we speak we have 3 scheduled running outages of 2.5 hrs per day(!). This due to bad management, bad long term investment planning and corruption. We complain - a lot- but we get on with it and reduce use and get alternative electricity sources. It’s possible, we did it and we’re still doing it, without the government‘s help, at personal cost. We were forced of course, because it was too late, we were already in a real crisis.

So my point is, it’s obvious we are in a crisis ramp up (not yet a full blown crisis), stop complaining - well ok, complaining is allowed ;) but rather start acting voluntarily, each can do their own bit according to their financial position and their willingness to change their behaviour before it’s forcefully required. Start with a little bit but know that it’s never enough unfortunately - we have to keep on changing and doing more, otherwise our kids, (godchildren, nephews and nieces, friends’ kids for those without their own children) will be up sh/t creek with no paddle. It’s a mind set change. No point in whining on about what others (be it continents, countries, provinces or neighbours) are or aren't doing. It’s time to man-up. Hey, I’m not saying we shouldn’t drive our cars or have fun, but there certainly is a lot we can do. Preach over - I know a lot of us here already make an effort.


It’s interesting to see all the commotion over a few pensioners blocking some roads. We had a water crisis in the Cape in 2018 and we’ve had an electricity crisis in all of SA on and off since 2008(!). During the water crisis, caused by drought, population growth, leaking infrastructure and of course unlimited use by consumers, we were down to 50L per day per person. Bear in mind, flushing a toilet is already 6-8L and if you jump in the shower for 2 minutes you’ve easily used 16L. And feck the garden. But we all managed and we all did our bit to keep usage to a minimum. Yes we complained, but we did it. Similarly with electricity, as we speak we have 3 scheduled running outages of 2.5 hrs per day(!). This due to bad management, bad long term investment planning and corruption. We complain - a lot- but we get on with it and reduce use and get alternative electricity sources. It’s possible, we did it and we’re still doing it, without the government‘s help, at personal cost. We were forced of course, because it was too late, we were already in a real crisis.

So my point is, it’s obvious we are in a crisis ramp up (not yet a full blown crisis), stop complaining - well ok, complaining is allowed ;) but rather start acting voluntarily, each can do their own bit according to their financial position and their willingness to change their behaviour before it’s forcefully required. Start with a little bit but know that it’s never enough unfortunately - we have to keep on changing and doing more, otherwise our kids, (godchildren, nephews and nieces, friends’ kids for those without their own children) will be up sh/t creek with no paddle. It’s a mind set change. No point in whining on about what others (be it continents, countries, provinces or neighbours) are or aren't doing. It’s time to man-up. Hey, I’m not saying we shouldn’t drive our cars or have fun, but there certainly is a lot we can do. Preach over - I know a lot of us here already make an effort.
I am teaching my kids to whittle a paddle with a spoon and piece of shtty drift wood. ;)

Mr Spoon

Side issue: instead of spending a fortune insulating everything, can someone tell my wife (and every woman I’ve known, ever) to put a *** jumper on instead of winding the heating up to 30 degrees
if you are on heating oil then please dont buy any jumpers, in fact, destroy them all


Where have all the insulation freaks gone? Is it a bit chilly to sit in the road?

They should insulate themselves better!!