Jump starter packs


I bought a top don one approx 5 years ago cost me £70 the equivalent model (almost) now is the JS2000 which is £75 to £100 depending when and where you buy it. Amazon or Ebay and if its on offer / voucher time at Amazon.

Used it many time as both a booster pack on the Mas and other cars. Holds its charge for months when not in use. Its probably getting a bit tired now as i noticed last time i had to use it that it took almost 50% to boost the mas when it only took 10/15% when new. I happy with 5 years of use and also peace of mind if i need to replace this year or next.

The croc clips on my older model have an alternator voltage display and battery voltage display. The new model i think does the same but via an app.


I bought a cheapo Halfords one and it barely registered with the QPV. Certainly didn't start it!

It was something a bit like this:

And I was probably warned.

View attachment 126191

[edited to be more accurate]
Good catch - yes check the litre capacity.