Kangaroos around the corner


Hi All,
Can the clichés be true?

I was up just before dawn this morning walking the dogs, when on the other side of the road 3 kangaroos came bounding around the corner on the footpath. The dogs looked up as if to say 'wtf' and stopped in their tracks to watch. Not something you see in surburbia often.

On a recent Saturday morning outing in the Maserati on a windy country road again just after dawn, I came across smaller kangaroos sitting on the road. This time they looked up at the growling red thing and said 'wtf' and jumped away.


I see Alpacas when I go out on my bike (admittedly not done that for a while but I now they're out there waiting for me!)
I was on a course in Corsham in about 1982 and as a passenger in a hire car I remarked I had just seen a Kangaroo in a field.
My amigos fell about laughing and ridiculing me only to take it all back as we rounded the next corner and promptly hit one of the blighters.
He hopped it seemingly not to worse for wear and we had a broken headlight on the hire car to explain which nobody at Avis believed.

I believe there is a thriving population of them in Derbyshire also