Making money.


generally, buying sites without planning and selling having got planning for residential...usually to plc builders.. .. not without risk, but on sizeable projects my clients generally expect a 100% profit inside 18 months... Though I have done far better than that..... Its not without risks... but understanding them is the key...

Risks can be reduced by buying conditionally - or taking an option... but that tends to hit the margins badly..

Bear in mind as well that the buyers of the sites then go on to make a further typical margin of 25 - 30% on their purchase building and selling finished units..

Done refurb projects etc .. and deals on commercial property.. and in 30 years I've only had one go pear shaped....out of hundreds...

All depends on how much you've got to put in and your attitude to risk... and Property needs capital and time for the bigger gains... It's not as fluid as the stock market.. Or cars....but in my experience ... in the long term it only goes one way....

I get tempted by "investing" cars all the time...but always come round to the view that I'm now too old to learn new tricks... there would be too much emotion involved for me... too easily tempted to buy something I liked ... and too tempted to spend much on it.. storage an issue... and selling on is generally at auction (at least for the classics) - and therefore a lottery.... To get it out of my system I've resorted to a minor flutter on the best of the best spot the ball competition !

What he said! Good plan....I agree ;)


Buy to let is a good investment overtime but it is a bit rich for me.

On the other hand buy for profit cars is an option we ware already following (much cheaper than property), hence why we bought cheap SL and have been looking for a similar 996 Porker. There are quite a few cars around that have bottomed out and that are likely to rise in value over time. The issue with this model is storage but we seem to have resolved that issue as well.


Steve, in Greece there are some opportunities for investigating in property, as buildings have lost approx 60% of their value, due to the crisis. From Athens to the islands. PM me if you want to take a look. I own a construction company, therefore i can bring you in contact with some right people.


By the look of our recent Newbie TonyR 's collection I think we should all be getting into IT....Dunno what I've been doing with my time !

Steve GS

Steve, in Greece there are some opportunities for investigating in property, as buildings have lost approx 60% of their value, due to the crisis. From Athens to the islands. PM me if you want to take a look. I own a construction company, therefore i can bring you in contact with some right people.
I think this would scare me especially with uncertainty over there. I'm not sure I'd want to invest abroad but thank you.

Steve GS

By the look of our recent Newbie TonyR 's collection I think we should all be getting into IT....Dunno what I've been doing with my time !
If I spent 100k on a motor I think I'd be the quickest wedding then divorce in history. And not married yet. That's in June.


I've bought to let for about 10 years now and as soon as I get enough money from the other properties I buy another one. This to me is virtually worry free. You have the capital appreciation from the houses and rental income which you can either re-invest or use for other things. I DON'T get interest only mortgages though! To me you have to be paying the mortgage off and not just interest, that way after 25 years you'll have a whacking great pension pot!

It's only a problem if you spend the capital repayments. All depends on your personal cost of capital.


Buy to let is a good investment overtime but it is a bit rich for me.

On the other hand buy for profit cars is an option we ware already following (much cheaper than property), hence why we bought cheap SL and have been looking for a similar 996 Porker. There are quite a few cars around that have bottomed out and that are likely to rise in value over time. The issue with this model is storage but we seem to have resolved that issue as well.

Which I shared your confidence about cars rising in value. If the latter does not happen then the cost of maintenance becomes an issue. With shares you get a dividend and can sell quickly, with property you get rent but illiquidity. With cars it's money out the door until you sell. Horses for course I guess.

Steve GS

With property you will only get screwed if you need to borrow from banks if the bubble pops. But if a bought a house with cash and rent no risks but low income so it comes down to how big your balls are I suppose.


Which I shared your confidence about cars rising in value. If the latter does not happen then the cost of maintenance becomes an issue. With shares you get a dividend and can sell quickly, with property you get rent but illiquidity. With cars it's money out the door until you sell. Horses for course I guess.

Don't start with Horses ... !...

Makes both property and cars look like a safe bet !


I work in property development and investment and like most things (and has been said) it depends on your attitude to risk.

The thing about investing in residential is that, as landlord, you are responsible for all maintenance and decoration and get stung when they leave without paying and the place is a sh!t tip which you then have to clean up before you can let it again.

I would look at investing in a commercial unit - say a shop or two in a decent area let to a known name. The shop will probably be let on a reasonably long lease which requires the tenant to pay for all repairs and decoration and the rent is reviewed every 3 or 5 years upwards only so your income never goes down whilst the lease is in place. You often get flats above these so you potentially get the best of both worlds. Depending on where it is, you could get 8% or better with less hassle.

I've never managed to scrape together enough cash to do this but it is what I would do.



I work in property development and investment and like most things (and has been said) it depends on your attitude to risk.

The thing about investing in residential is that, as landlord, you are responsible for all maintenance and decoration and get stung when they leave without paying and the place is a sh!t tip which you then have to clean up before you can let it again.

I would look at investing in a commercial unit - say a shop or two in a decent area let to a known name. The shop will probably be let on a reasonably long lease which requires the tenant to pay for all repairs and decoration and the rent is reviewed every 3 or 5 years upwards only so your income never goes down whilst the lease is in place. You often get flats above these so you potentially get the best of both worlds. Depending on where it is, you could get 8% or better with less hassle.

I've never managed to scrape together enough cash to do this but it is what I would do.


FRI leases are great and underline why commercial is attractive, trouble is I have no faith in small retail going forward so I would go office. Trouble is that is bigger ££.

dem maser

My problem is Im not into taking a gamble ive never ever placed a bet in a bookmaker. But that's proberly why ice just stagnated and stayed in my stafe life. But I have this opportunity my wife to be is inheriting this money she will waste it away on shoes and bags but she has said I could invest it. Our first thoughts was building.

property in London, give me a call

I make investors quite a bit of cash and they keep coming for more.....


New Member
Also been doing BTL for approx 13 years.

Initially invested in London (Borough of Wandsworth), but I'm not from the area. Nice gain, and rents have also gone up in that time. There is serious talk of crossrail 2 - if that happens been told property prices will go up disproportionately against average increases - but it is a long way off and who knows..

Remortgaged stuff in London and invest pretty much (save for a float) every penny in property. Been focusing on Kent last 18 months.

I haven't got many properties, but it has made a step change.

If you have the time and spend time researching through Rightmove and Zoopla - they are gains to be had.

I would like to do a renovation project (not personally - **** at DIY) - but just can't find them (where there would be a decent return) and there may be perhaps some difficulty in getting a BTL mortgage.


Junior Member
I've got a couple of BTL but usually flip my properties. Nine times out of ten the houses are via deceased estates, they generally need bringing out of the 70/80/90's into the present day. I try and stick close to home as I know the prices, it's also great having only a 5 minute commute with the occasional sly cup of tea back home whenever I fancy. Property is cheap around my way, I recently bought a stone built 2 bed terrace for £93k and a nice 3 bed semi for £195k. I'm currently about two weeks away from getting another house finished and on the market and have two more ready to start, I buy most of them 50/50 with a good friend of mine. I'm a builder so obviously can do a lot of the work myself and have tradesman who I've used for nearly 20 years to rely on. I do think anyone with a little bit of knowledge of their local market and ideally a trusted local builder can make money renovating houses. Three bed semi's are the easiest to flip in my experience.