"Maserati Quattroporte - Am I Mad?" - thread courtesy MBclub.co.uk......


Isn't SPX on here with a thread as he is looking for a QP....Surely you are one of the same SPX ?


Right riveting read! (along with a few interesting digressions that this forum would be proud of!).

Our hero has yearned for the QP, but strayed from the true path as he thought that he could never be allowed to have one. But just when you think it's all over, the tables are turned and his fairy godmother gives him the permission which he has so long desired. Now all we can do is wait on the edges of our seat with breath held for the denouement and release which we all desire, and the sound of the glorious V8 thundering in our ears as he drives off into the sunset. -- Go on my son - JFDI! We're all rooting for you!!!!


Junior Member
Yes, it is I.

Fate at times has conspired against me buying one (insurance issues, buying houses etc) but it's all systems go in less than a fortnight so hopefully something will come up that takes my fancy.


Can't read all the pages but honestly I've had harder decisions buying clothes or selecting an ice cream flavour! It's a no brainer, why the trepidation for so long? I thought you were in the motor industry?


Junior Member
Can't read all the pages but honestly I've had harder decisions buying clothes or selecting an ice cream flavour! It's a no brainer, why the trepidation for so long?
If you'd taken the time to read my post above, you'd get your explanation; I've been in the market three times for one in the past year and certain things have conspired against me or, because the choice of QP's is very limited, I've bought something else because I'm not one to hang on forever waiting for The One.

I've owned six different vehicles since I started that thread, so pontificating is not what I'm known for.

I thought you were in the motor industry?
Commercial vehicles, not cars, what's that got to do with the price of bread?

I know numerous traders who wouldn't touch a Maserati with someone else's Hampton but that still hasn't put me off.


I did read your post above about things Conspiring against you (whatever that means when buying a car) but where there's a will there's a way. You will wonder why you didn't buy it earlier once you get it.

Most traders who don't touch them don't know the full facts and are scared by internet/pub talk about brand reliability just like a few of the people on the MB thread stating they will break down every minute and cost you there Earth.


Junior Member
I did read your post above about things Conspiring against you (whatever that means when buying a car)

Are you deliberately being obtuse?

I'll spell it out for you one last time; I've gone to buy a QP on more than one occasion and certain things have happened (not been able to find one so bought the XFR in one case and in another I decided to buy another house to add to my portfolio) and I'm looking for one again and so far, because it is such a rare car, I'm struggling to find something that I really like.

Is that clear enough?


The amount of 'pub experts' on there is ridiculous!

Buy nothing but a Merc it would seem.

And then you see, only two have ever owned a Maser.

Why would you even have to ask people about whether you should buy a Maser?
The only questions you need to ask, and that is to yourself. "can I afford it? yes, where can I find one I like".

For any high performance car the costs if something goes wrong are always going to be expensive.

Using my Merc E Class as a comparison.
I'll list the most expensive

Tyres - Merc.
Servicing - Merc (even the big one)
Insurance - Merc
Road Fund Licence - Maser
Clutch - Maser (Merc's a Auto)
Suspension Parts (wishbones etc) - Same (now there's a pattern part at ECP)
Radiator - Merc (surprisingly!).

There's a trend here.......