Maserati Reactions


Whole range for me:
  • One of the earliest was when my other half drove to collect me from the station. A bunch of 5-7 year old tykes heard her arrive and then gathered at the end of their garden yelling “Rev it! Rev it!” I obliged, of course...
  • Other drivers range between those who hear the car coming up behind them and pretty much pull over to a stop to get out of my way (this may just be a Shropshire thing...) to those with slightly warm regular cars (and vans) who feel the need to try and keep up / beat me away from lights / commit crazy overtakes, etc. Generally I try to ignore those and keep as far away from their impending accident as possible.
  • Haven’t yet had anything other than a positive reactions from people out and about - which is really nice - I think there’s something about the way the Granturismo is a (very pretty but) regular car to look at, and sounds special that seems to result in positive reactions from most people.


I had a white van cruise up alongside me on the M40 last week (there's no real pleasure in sitting in lane 3 with the rest of the queue doing 73mph - so I was in lane 2). The passenger was taking a good look - as I caught his eye he gave me the thumbs up and we exchanged smiles :)
Another tell tale I see - normally in slow moving queues, I see drivers just pop their windows down a a few inches while I'm alongside - had a guy in an M3 do this all the way through the Dartford Tunnel last year - mine definitely sounded better than his :cool:


I'd not had my ol' GTS long when someone yelled "Midlife crisis!" at me

I hate that term , if (usually) men into cars had the money when they had a mortgage and kids they'd buy cars with it , when you get to an age where the house is paid for and the kids are independent and have the money you spend it on cars.

The people that should get the **** ripped out of them are those that spunk £250 a month away on a Vauxhall Zafira every 3 years


I hate that term , if (usually) men into cars had the money when they had a mortgage and kids they'd buy cars with it , when you get to an age where the house is paid for and the kids are independent and have the money you spend it on cars.

The people that should get the **** ripped out of them are those that spunk £250 a month away on a Vauxhall Zafira every 3 years
I must admit I agree totally, one of my elder brothers who appreciated 'fine' cars too but was flabbergasted when I broke the news to him about my purchase. He had deliberated for months on what to replace his Toyota Verso Yaris zzzzzzzzzz! with. He then spent 15 grand ........................ F I F T E E N G R A N D cash and ended up with a Renault Scenic ffs. He was due to retire, mortgage paid, kids gone, always lusted after a Jaaag ....a bl87dy Scenic for 8%^7's sake...


On the first public outing, A little old lady, who was rather posh and in tweed, stopped at the front of the car and said ( Hyacinth Bucket here) “oh I do lover your Masser, bloody lovely” and walked off , got in her y reg Range Rover complete with Labradors and drove off waving... surreal.. the Mrs and I still giggle about it,


The most hated drivers in OZ are BMW & Porsche owners. They are universally regarded as small dick tossers.
I own two Loti,an Elan & an S1 Elise which both attraction admiration everywhere especially the Elise which they reckon has a nice bum. The Maserati is covertly admired. They seem to respect it rather than jump around in a frenzy of envy. I used to have a Westfield clubman which got huge attention because it was yellow & looked rather special. Bikies seem to adore clubman cars. The odd thing was people at filling stations asking whether it was a Morgan or an MG,got a bit tired of that & referred them to the Westfield badge on the nose. Oddly,the Westfield was an excellent crumpet catcher,but it could be rapidly destroyed if the girl burnt her leg on the exhaust pipe on the passenger's side.
"Did you flick him off? Or get your butler to do it " Good butlers are soooo hard to find these days.


I must admit I agree totally, one of my elder brothers who appreciated 'fine' cars too but was flabbergasted when I broke the news to him about my purchase. He had deliberated for months on what to replace his Toyota Verso Yaris zzzzzzzzzz! with. He then spent 15 grand ........................ F I F T E E N G R A N D cash and ended up with a Renault Scenic ffs. He was due to retire, mortgage paid, kids gone, always lusted after a Jaaag ....a bl87dy Scenic for 8%^7's sake...

They want the car but then look at the road tax and fuel economy and think no I'll buy something sensible
Back in the real world , the tax on the most expensive car is £11 a week or 2 subways and the difference in fuel cost for the mileage a retired driver is going to do might be £20

Factor in a Renault depreciates faster than you can pay for it and you might as well burn your money


Junior Member
Reversed mine in to a car park yesterday with a couple of blokes chatting at the car behind that I was reversing up to.
As I was getting close, one of them shouted
"OI! Watch out for my mate's Corsa with your Maserati will ya!!!"
...and then gave me the wink to let me know he WAS joking!!


When I had my 4200 people would often comment on how beautiful it was and what a great colour it was (Grigio Nuvolari) when I was at the petrol station (which was often).
And because it was quite loud I had a few people follow me and film it on their phones.

With the GT, not so much of the comments at the petrol station but normally the turn and stare with open mouths when driving passed.

Never a hateful comment with either.


When I had my 4200 people would often comment on how beautiful it was and what a great colour it was (Grigio Nuvolari) when I was at the petrol station (which was often).
And because it was quite loud I had a few people follow me and film it on their phones.

With the GT, not so much of the comments at the petrol station but normally the turn and stare with open mouths when driving passed.

Never a hateful comment with either.
Obviously living in the past of course


Whether it's the colour , the noise, or just what it is I don't know but the mustang gets much more attention than the 4200 ever did

A guy spent 20 minutes at oulton park telling me why he hadn't bought one and went for a diesel XF instead but I could tell he regretted it , even after trying to convince himself he'd made the right decision he said , just looking at it makes me smile and walked away still looking at it.

It doesn't drive as well at the 4200 and you can tell it's been built to a price but £36,000 for 430bhp , every gadget you really need and 0% PCP I really couldn't resist it.
I am saving up for a set of pedders coilovers though as they're supposed to make a big difference to the handling.59623


The most highly anticipated answer to a post ever...

I'm on the edge of my seat and can hear the pitch forks being sharpened
From the lack of an answer I am going to go with Not actually disabled but he may not have seen my question yet so I'm happy to be corrected, BUT if they aren't actually disabled then my "Maserati Reaction" would be what an absolute knob jockey. My wife had an operation a few years ago and we had to use a wheel chair for a month or so and the amount of pricks that park in these spaces to save them walking too far or because they value their car is disgusting. Think about less fortunate people that actually NEED the space NOT because your a knob. Like I say, please dont take offence if you are actually disabled. If you are I'm sticking up for you. If your not disabled then you deserve to have your car keyed!