Missing in Action

Hi guys,
The more astute of you will have noticed have not posted anything for a while. This is due to dreadful circs at home which is not the subject of this post.
I had to break my silence and share this story with you all but first a bit of background.
I worked with a guy years ago who was a car nut and then we all went our separate ways and he went to Singapore to work on a project for Maersk anyway he (Steve) sent me a couple of emails today telling the story so I will copy them now

email N01
Hi Dave,

I'll keep this as short as I can.

It all started here, moving from our old house to the new house.

email N02
Last trip, after a very uncomfortable flight (the Fibromyalgia doesn't let you sleep
on a plane), I arrived at Aberdeen airport suitably f***ed.
Andrea came to the Airport with her friend to pick me up.
After being awake for 30+ hours all I wanted was my bed.
Normally when Andrea picks me up, we stop off at the Thainstone House hotel
for a coffee, but not today as she was helping out at a Film shoot.

For a couple of months, Andrea and her friends were preparing to help out
with the catering for a film crew who were doing a Spy film at Innes House
in Moray, 5 mins from the house. I told Andrea I was concerned as she can't
cook to save her life.

Anyway, before we reached home she was asked to make a detour to drop
off some supplies for the film crews lunch. I must admit, I wasn't too chuffed
as I just wanted to go home to my bed.

We were met by security who gave us passes to get onto the set while they
were filming a scene. The SAS guy dressed head to toe in black with bullet proof
vest and machine gun stormed into Innes house followed by lots of gun fire
and smoke.

Typical of me, I was more interested in the cameras they were using as I have a thing
for cameras. As everything was going on I kept watching the guys with the boom camera
and was wondering why it was pointing towards me standing at the back wall.

The SAS guys then crawls out of the house wounded and I thought, wow! This must be a low
Budget film as his acting is ****.

After they finished that bit he came and stood beside me and tried hard to engage me in
conversation but I didn't want to know as by now I was starting to ache and just wanted
to go to the bed that was calling to me.

The guy (all 6'6†of him) with his black balaclava still in place started talking again and said they
Were just about to shoot the escape scene for which they had an old lotus. I thought, yeh OK,
must be an esprit.

Suddenly there was a large explosions and an incredible amount of smoke through which I could
Just make out the headlights and a bit of the number plate which was DB5.

As the smoke cleared I said, it's not a Lotus and it's not a DB5 (or something like that). The guy
then said “are you sure?†To which I said “yes, it's a DB6â€.
The guy, still in his black balaclava said “how can you be sure?â€
I said, “because it has Khamsin tail which the DB5 didn't haveâ€.
SAS:“How do you know this?â€
Me: “Because I have one in the garageâ€
SAS: “You've got one of those in the garage?â€
Me: “Yeh, but mine doesn't look like that, it's a pile of rusting bits in the garageâ€.
SAS: “come on lets take a closer look now that the directors finished shooting the scene†(at which
point he put his arm around me and I thought “bloody Lovie's!â€).

SAS: â€What do you think?â€
Me: “really niceâ€
SAS: “Do you recognise this guy?†(at which point his balaclava was off and he had his arm around
another guy.
Me: “No!†and turned back to look at the car.

They both burst out laughing and said “We are car SOS and that is your carâ€.

I'm trying to think, what do they mean that is my car?

SAS: Andrea contacted us over a year ago and while you've been in Singapore, we have been living
Spending time at your house and Andrea has been flying down to Birmingham to get this project

I still couldn't take in what he was saying. “What does he mean this is your car? For one thing it's
a different colour, the engine is running and it's all so shinyâ€.

The rest of the day was dreamlike which I attribute to lack of sleep and shock.
A day of filming was to follow, but I was struggling to focus and think.

About 50 friends came out of Innes House. They were all there for the grand unveiling and were watching
the run up on monitors inside the house.
When they all came out, they were standing about 15 feet from me and I didn't see anybody, I couldn't
take it in. It was about another 30 mins before I started to register that in the crowd there was the odd
face that I recognised. In fact, I should have recognised them all as it was all our friends and neighbours
who I know extremely well.

Anyway, it is to be shown sometime next year. I haven't got a clue what I said or even if it made sense.
More worrying, I haven't got a clue what Andrea said as they have been interviewing her on and off for
over a year.

Tim and Fuzz, the hosts of the show were amazing.
I probably won't watch it for obvious reasons (didn't realise
I was that fat, although they did say it puts 15 pounds on you).

Right must dash. The job is calling, have to nip out and do some equipment
Inspections. Apparently I need a bike as it's at the other end of the yard.



email N03

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Wow just wow Dave!!!!!

I'm made up for Steve! Can't wait for this episode. Hope you are well!


Fantastic and even better he had no idea who they were.
Car seems to be quite local to here so hope to see it on the road sometime.

D Walker

Great story and great car.
Hope your circumstances at home improve sooner rather than later Dave.
Guys just a heads up.
Apparently this info must not go on Social Media since it spoils the end of the show surprises etc. and the shows solicitors get involved
So I would be obliged if you keep it on this forum only
Many thanks


Brilliant, and what a beautiful car , it sounds like they're upping the stakes with the hand overs if film sets and explosions are involved


Forum Owner
OMG that's amazing! I've got an Opel in the garage that could do with some work, anyone fancy writing in for me?


Hmmm, I have an idea for a new kind of show....Picture this...a 1992 ZX750L1 in sat in a garage, it's owner is too busy at work and renovating a house...

Bike SOS anyone...


Nice story. I had to google to work out who these guys are (not your friend) so I could have been taken in too!