mobile speed vans - watch out


I got an SP50 a few months ago for apparently doing 64 mph on the M1 s/bound near J31. Apparently the speed limit was set at 40 mph! Couldn’t be bothered arguing with the letter but I am adamant that it was incorrect.

Anyway, I return a month later on the way to Newcastle and indeed this time there was a 40mph temporary limit n/bound (obstruction or animals or whatever - the usual excuse). Again, there is zero obstruction and the day is bright and sunny - not too busy.

So, I set the cruise for 43mph and it is seriously the most dangerous thing that I have done since my youth. After nearly being wiped out by lorries overtaking me and coming up an inch behind and honking me, I am basically forced to go back up to around 60 mph to avoid certain death. So, don’t give me this **** about safety and never speeding etc when we are dealing with deliberate ways of collecting money, no matter what the potential cost.

At least in my days of living in Malaysia, Philippines etc, the police were blatant and up front when stopping you and collecting a few dollars for their family!


Another one to watch out for if you are travelling in Wales is that there are no 30 mph speed limits anymore they are all 20’s. Another fecking drippy Drakeford idea.


Another one to watch out for if you are travelling in Wales is that there are no 30 mph speed limits anymore they are all 20’s. Another fecking drippy Drakeford idea.
soon to be followed by a man (must be Welsh speaker) carrying a flag in all urban areas - solves speeding and unemployment in Wales - brilliant. Anyone have Drakeford's email......


I got an SP50 a few months ago for apparently doing 64 mph on the M1 s/bound near J31. Apparently the speed limit was set at 40 mph! Couldn’t be bothered arguing with the letter but I am adamant that it was incorrect.

Anyway, I return a month later on the way to Newcastle and indeed this time there was a 40mph temporary limit n/bound (obstruction or animals or whatever - the usual excuse). Again, there is zero obstruction and the day is bright and sunny - not too busy.

So, I set the cruise for 43mph and it is seriously the most dangerous thing that I have done since my youth. After nearly being wiped out by lorries overtaking me and coming up an inch behind and honking me, I am basically forced to go back up to around 60 mph to avoid certain death. So, don’t give me this **** about safety and never speeding etc when we are dealing with deliberate ways of collecting money, no matter what the potential cost.

At least in my days of living in Malaysia, Philippines etc, the police were blatant and up front when stopping you and collecting a few dollars for their family!
Spot on! My mother in law drives at about 50mph on dual carriageways and motorways. That is a scary place to be!


Special case
Another one to watch out for if you are travelling in Wales is that there are no 30 mph speed limits anymore they are all 20’s. Another fecking drippy Drakeford idea.
Didn’t work in Cardiff this week!

(I’m sure the headglue will claim they were exempt at the time)

Swedish Paul

I wasn't....
I didn’t mean anyone in particular, just in general.

I remember years ago, cars parked on both sides of a street, the space that’s left not wide enough for two cars to pass, and a shop set back on the right. Something didn’t feel right so I slowed to 20mph. Just got to the shops and a toddler ran out into the road. I braked, no ABS and the car pulled left. Kiddie just bounced of the front, no damage to the car, kid gets up and runs to his mum who’s having a good old natter with another mum. If I had been speeding, the kiddie would definitely have been dead. We both were very lucky.

I never speed in urban areas after that.


I didn’t mean anyone in particular, just in general.

I remember years ago, cars parked on both sides of a street, the space that’s left not wide enough for two cars to pass, and a shop set back on the right. Something didn’t feel right so I slowed to 20mph. Just got to the shops and a toddler ran out into the road. I braked, no ABS and the car pulled left. Kiddie just bounced of the front, no damage to the car, kid gets up and runs to his mum who’s having a good old natter with another mum. If I had been speeding, the kiddie would definitely have been dead. We both were very lucky.

I never speed in urban areas after that.
think that would slow anyone down. need to bring back the Green Cross code man and put that in YT adverts

Phil H

Same colour as Amazon delivery vans. That's just rude.
It's all part of a cunning plan; Amazon will operate the vans and deliver your penalty notice (with proof of delivery of course) within 48 hours, thereby freeing up the uniformed folk and improving cashflow. If you're registered for Prime you'll get the ticket even faster!

Only joking - I think ;)

Swedish Paul

It's all part of a cunning plan; Amazon will operate the vans and deliver your penalty notice (with proof of delivery of course) within 48 hours, thereby freeing up the uniformed folk and improving cashflow. If you're registered for Prime you'll get the ticket even faster!

Only joking - I think ;)
You mean Amazon will say they have delivered it, but then provide no evidence that they did and blame you for not remembering where it is.


Section around the M6 turn off (near coventry) is permanently 50.... WHY?! No roadworks or anything!

Queue ahead 40 .... my flipping backside!


Another one to watch out for if you are travelling in Wales is that there are no 30 mph speed limits anymore they are all 20’s. Another fecking drippy Drakeford idea.
Don’t worry Andy - if he gets his stupid tourist tax through, no-one will come here.

There’ll only be coppers and electric bikes left on the Welsh roads and look where that has got us…


after the riots in Ely on Monday night following the death of those two unfortunate teenagers who crashed on their Surron ( no helmets ) they were being closely followed by a marked van you can guarantee that this will now become the choice of transport for a lot more in these parts as the police won’t risk going anywhere near them


It's all part of a cunning plan; Amazon will operate the vans and deliver your penalty notice (with proof of delivery of course) within 48 hours, thereby freeing up the uniformed folk and improving cashflow. If you're registered for Prime you'll get the ticket even faster!

Only joking - I think ;)
FFS Phil dont put ideas in their heads


Got done doing 47mph on the M32 was limited to 50mph then they then changed it to 40 mph apparently month passes
then had bike pig doing people coming in to a 30mph on a B road i was the rear car of 3 all doing 27=30mph because i was in a fast car he put is hand out as i was right by him
to late i say
he then ran and turned his try pod round snap then guess what i get a £100 fine for spacing on my private plate f king wan ers jobs worth cu ts may be we rally to government for the right issue them tickets for rape and murder