Normandy route


Doesn't sound too bad , watch the D road limits , zero tolerance according to a guy on another forum who lives there , he's just got a ticket for 81 in an 80 €45 fine


What are the speed traps like? I saw nothing at all, to be fair tho the D roads I was on were well country lanes, hardly a car...


What are the signs with like a WiFi signal on them? My French is pretty good but I couldn't read in time, didn't look radar trap-y, something about security....

I must admit despite the warnings here I ended doing at least 160kph on straight bits of rural D roads, I couldn't help it lol!!

On the A roads I generally stuck to the 130 or 110 limits.....


What are the signs with like a WiFi signal on them? My French is pretty good but I couldn't read in time, didn't look radar trap-y, something about security....

I must admit despite the warnings here I ended doing at least 160kph on straight bits of rural D roads, I couldn't help it lol!!

On the A roads I generally stuck to the 130 or 110 limits.....
Seen a couple, not sure what they are. Have been good so far, couple of blasts through back roads between Omaha beach and the Chateau we stayed at last night. Proper twisty stuff.

Lots of waves and grins. These things do turn heads.


What are the french police like regarding modified exhausts , it's not Benny loud but it does turn heads from quite a way away

I did a prom for a mates daughter, did a 3 point turn on his drive , he said it makes the ground vibrate close up :D


What are the french police like regarding modified exhausts , it's not Benny loud but it does turn heads from quite a way away

I did a prom for a mates daughter, did a 3 point turn on his drive , he said it makes the ground vibrate close up :D

I've never had any issues in a car or motorbikes with noise - other than advertising the fact you are coming :)

My current bike is an MV Agusta with open race pipes and way louder than any car I've ever heard on the road.


All my worries about the car getting battered on the boat 59841are over

Mustang gets priority parking :D


Boat was empty , 20% full I'd say which surprised me, I was expecting a lot of french going home as their kids start back monday


Boat wasn't empty coming back, got jammed in with the rest , I'm glad I bought the Door Defenders , they just add that bit of peace of mind when you can't find a big car suitable space in a car park

On street parking in Bayeux was measured in 1958 I think, Citroen 2CV plus 50cm , Mustang was at least 1.5 bays long

First time I've been to France that wasn't a city break , very impressed, no litter anywhere, everything tidy, grass verges etc, roads free of pot holes, supermarkets that employ people rather than increasing profits by getting you to serve yourself. fantastic roads with no traffic jams at all

Had a look round a market which is still very much used by local french people , Lynne was surprised to see lots of live animals being sold, ducks, hens , rabbits, quail, I told her they were being sold for the eggs they lay(not rabbits obviously) rather than what I think they were being sold for , ie not pets :D

The strangest thing to happen all week was Lynne looking on ebay at motorhomes, they seem to be much more popular that a caravan and car over there.

Barely saw another performance car all week , PSA cars everywhere , they really do support the French car industry

The Mustang was a real head turner , thanks to WAZE I went down some virgin mustang roads , it sent me into a cul de sac with an island in the middle the whole length of it

As I did the loop I saw a woman painting her fence, her mouth couldn't have been open wider if General Patton was stood on the back seat of a jeep.

We both enjoyed it that much we're thinking of going to Brittanny next year