Steps to cure aggressive content


I think it all depends if it's just an individual or a single message saying for example "I hate Ukra..ns" or "I'm racist", or a group. In the first case it relates to the freedom of expression, in the second to the politics of the forum.


No need to make changes to threads, just control the cussing and aggression. Getting around the cuss words in creative ways has become a sport, we should just refrain from that and find other ways to express emotion - how about updating the smily emoji’s - they are a bit stale. Lots in the latest IOS set that most of us use frequently and that perfectly express frustration, anger and cussing in an acceptable (and humorous) way.

We can agree to disagree on subjects, that’s normal, it only gets out of hand occasionally and that’s what mods are for in my opinion. The cooler is a good addition if it is actually used objectively without allowing old hands any extra room that others don’t get.


Like others I enjoy this forum and most of its members, some I see as friends even ones I haven't met, I even ask for advice from some on things not Maserati and always respect the opinions I get back. The Maserati knowledge is second to none but so is the knowledge in other areas, wine glasses, hifi, tech all areas of conversation that have led me to buy things based on SM members experience and advice.

However there are a few posts that make me wince with their content be they comments opinions or just plain abuse and unfortunately these are from a very small number on contributors some who have been here for along time. The mods do a great job on managing content and even blocking inappropriate content even down to removing, or suspending those who consistently push the boundaries however there are still some who are allowed to continue.

The concept of a cooler I liked but it needs to be open for all, I think moving / hiding a lot of the off topic banter will be a retrograde step and may lead to changing why this forum works in the first place.


Thanks Matt for sharing and inviting input.

I also agree with the last few posters above. This forum is indeed a community because of the way it is currently set up, the varied banter and a fantastic spirit of members/mods actively helping each other when the need arises.

As others have said, the main issue, IMHO, has been dealt with by the cooler mechanism. I also feel no other changes are really needed at this stage.


Chief pedant
I would agree with c4sman, it’s easy to avoid threads that you don’t want to read or think are irrelevant, you could even have an “ignore thread” function for those that feel the need. But I don’t think they should be hidden and made hard to find...

I agree it is mostly easy to just not look at threads that you are not interested in, whether that's the 'Politics Poo Bin' or 'Biturbos for Sale'. (Although sometimes they lure you in with bad titles or just provocation.) I don't think we need to put the off-topic stuff in a ghetto.

What is harder is to (as someone suggested) just not read the offensive posts, since you can't tell what is going to be nasty until you have read it. But that is where the 'Ignore Member' comes in. (Oooh, Matron!)


I'd echo what feels like a majority view it seems. The forum is a structure and backbone really so just a platform for content. It has done very well to date IMHO and provides a great balance of a platform that is free/open to discuss many things uninterrupted and not over zealously curbed or clipped. We do live in a world that is over burdened by over bearing govts IMHO and leaves people less able to think for themselves. I don't think that is healthy and it seems more healthy to me to have free open creative thinkers able to think and fend for themselves more independent of over zealous govts.

I think most are too quick in life often to try to curb or curtail open free thinking discussion. It seems mainly down to some people's lack of an open mind also not being mindful or thoughtful of others thoughts/ideas that may be different to their own. Or they narratives that rely on less balance. It is OK to be different and have different thoughts, ideas and/or opinions. It doesn't need aggression or vigorous trolling really that we see so often in the world today. We should be open to talk and discuss differences. It is how we learn, change, evolve and become better.

We have a great mix of car/Maserati bias but with a healthy balance of friendship, banter, jokes and various useful non-car content. Some are applicable and interesting to me and I read also engage. Others less so and I ignore. This is the same with any content or discussion too. Just like real life really as this is no different. Some people I like and have alignment to. Some people less so but I try to learn how to find some alignment and am trying to ignore more too. Some things you don't need to respond to as what is the point? I have stopped trying to change things that clearly are unlikely to change. I guess focus on the things that you can control and less so about the things you can't.

To ignore is a good and valid tool. It has taken me a long while to learn this and start to use it. I'm starting to ignore more things and more people that are just not worth my time or attention. Anyone you don't like just /ignore block and you don't see their content. I have done this for only a couple and it resolved any issues I had at the time. I think it is hard to ignore all content you see but that is life. Deal with it as you see fit. It doesn't need over bearing protection or systems to do this. Work a way to deal with it. It is a you problem and not a forum problem.

I have little to find fault with on the forum and am still here after many years. I do have periods where I have more time and dip in and out of the forum accordingly during these periods. I don't see any issue with 90% of the content coming from 10% of members. It is this core content that keeps things bumbling and fresh. I also think the breadth of topics is a good thing and helps build a better/stronger relationship between members often.

Society should be able to be fairly well self policed to a point. People that are not nice, not mindful nor thoughtful of others will find less response from others and will end up talking to themselves. Maybe the stocks (physical or virtual) should make a resurgence and people guilty of moral or ethical crimes in society could see themselves in them. Maybe the cooler is a virtual 'stocks' and this could work well. Like the naughty step and some time for contemplation or reflection.

Just that this is even being openly talked about, discussed and options considered is a great positive thing in itself. It means that the forum is healthy and open. Which is great to see and should be applauded on its own merit.

I do think sometimes people are still lacking a little empathy and thoughtfulness for others. Even people that are being accused of certain things. Maybe they are having a bad day, a bad time and are struggling with life. I find life hard and it isn't always easy for many. We often become a little judgemental and short with no consideration for others. If we all tried to be a little nicer and a bit more considerate then maybe the world would be a much better place. Clearly I don't have all the answers but keen to search for them.


So, myself and the mods have sat back and let nature take its corse….open discussion to this gathering problem.

I must say, since this highlighted, the forum has returned to some sort of normality. I accept Benny has not posted which probably halves the problem but there is a return to ‘feel the love’

A few observations:

This forum came about from over moderation of the old forum, something we refuse to do but there is a line, which has been crossed of late.

Members are given a free rein and should know where that line is.

There have been comment of…since Corona virus…. yada, yada. This is something we see held accountable all over the place a personally I don’t accept it.

Also, the members themselves have to accept that they are the ones that caused this mess. Not pointing fingers, you just have to accept that crossed words and bad feeling got us to this point from the members not the mods.

So this open and Frank discussion is a good thing.

Forums don’t last forever, believe me I have seen most hit the skids which IMHO comes from a build it up and knock it down mentally.

Another observation is the same group of 20 or so members post 90% of the content. This maybe true but it’s been the same since the start.

If this forum was to dwindle, all the technical detail would remain, till at least the end of my days.

So, as I always state, this is not my forum it is your forum. Use it, nurture it and treat others as you would want to be treated yourself.

At the end of the day, we are a community of Maserati owners, gentlemen and we are better than the rest as are our choices of vehicles.

That said, the plan to curb off topic content is in place. A new Community forum will be created where off topic content such as The Good Morning thread and the likes will move too then the off topic Jokes forum and it’s content will be removed from the most recent threads…meaning, you will have to go search for it and for the rest who deem it unnecessary, it won’t be presented to them at the top of the page.

As ever, if you have any other comments or suggestions, email me at and they will be considered.

Thank you, the mods
Sorry I'm very !ate to this discussion, and as I am an ex Maserati owner it will somewhat curtail my input for the brand. However I very much enjoy looking at some the topics being discussed, and also from time to time very much appreciate the opportunity to raise discussions on general motoring life in the UK. For example views on how local and national Government treat the ever beleaguered driver from the perspective of taxation, road charging, 20mph speed limits etc.
Admittedly sometimes it does turn into a 'rant', and this forum and the response of its members, has proved invaluable over the years.
Whilst I have now switched to EV and a new brand - Genesis, in the shape of an Electrified G80, I do hope I can continue with the above topics. By the way, when I get the above mentioned car, it's currently at the PPF/Detailers, although about as far removed from the essence of Maserati, the little boy wanting to show his new toy aspect in me, would be happy to post a few pictures, and maybe share a few experiences as other on here have done with EV's.
I can say one thing, compared to the 99% U.S based Genesis forum, this remains one of the most entertaining and open minded platform, with a great bunch of people who contribute!!


Be interesting ti get your thoughts
Sorry I'm very !ate to this discussion, and as I am an ex Maserati owner it will so what curtail my input for the brand. However I very much enjoy looking at some the topics being discussed, and also from time to time very much appreciate the opportunity to raise discussions on general motoring life in the UK. For example views on how local and national Government treat the ever beleaguered driver from the perspective of taxation, road charging, 20mph speed limits etc.
Admittedly sometimes it does turn into a 'rant', and this forum and the response of its members, has proved invaluable over the years.
Whilst I have now switched to EV and a new brand - Genesis, in the shape of an Electrified G80, I do hope I can continue with the above topics. By the way, when I get the above mentioned car, it's currently at the PPF/Detailers, although about as far removed from the essence of Maserati, the little boy wanting to show his new toy aspect in me, would be happy to post a few pictures, and maybe share a few experiences as other on here have done with EV's.
I can say one thing, compared to the 99% U.S based Genesis forum, this remains one of the most entertaining and open minded platform, with a great bunch of people

Sorry I'm very !ate to this discussion, and as I am an ex Maserati owner it will somewhat curtail my input for the brand. However I very much enjoy looking at some the topics being discussed, and also from time to time very much appreciate the opportunity to raise discussions on general motoring life in the UK. For example views on how local and national Government treat the ever beleaguered driver from the perspective of taxation, road charging, 20mph speed limits etc.
Admittedly sometimes it does turn into a 'rant', and this forum and the response of its members, has proved invaluable over the years.
Whilst I have now switched to EV and a new brand - Genesis, in the shape of an Electrified G80, I do hope I can continue with the above topics. By the way, when I get the above mentioned car, it's currently at the PPF/Detailers, although about as far removed from the essence of Maserati, the little boy wanting to show his new toy aspect in me, would be happy to post a few pictures, and maybe share a few experiences as other on here have done with EV's.
I can say one thing, compared to the 99% U.S based Genesis forum, this remains one of the most entertaining and open minded platform, with a great bunch of people who contribute!!
Will be interesting to get your thoughts on the Genesis when you have had some time.

Alan Surrey

Cooler good.
Losing off topic threads bad.

I dip into off topic threads. I like the pic of the day. But I avoid the cigars thread. Virtually everyone will like one or other off topic thread, or could start one. They are important because they are another reason to visit the forum and whilst visiting, who knows what will catch the eye and what work of good citizenship will be done as a consequence.
We have many good citizens on this forum, but we need to encourage the folk around the periphery - both to become good (contributing) citizens where they have interesting content or useful advice {even I, quite a newbie, can sometimes contribute something of use to some folk} and also to get to know other forum members a bit and maybe work up the motivation to drive to a meet one day.

@c4sman said it well, above.

Here's a quotation:
At the end of the day, we are a community of Maserati owners, gentlemen and we are better than the rest as are our choices of vehicles.


Forum Owner
All member input being considered, keep em coming.
The Cooler thing has sorted Benny and I’m sure others will dip their toe in from time to time.

If you do find yourself having a stay in the cold room, don’t see it as the end just learn from it and accept you have strayed too far from what is descent.

Maybe rather than ring fencing off topic content it should appear in its own most recent 5 below the main one with members able to minimise it if it’s not their thing?


All member input being considered, keep em coming.
The Cooler thing has sorted Benny and I’m sure others will dip their toe in from time to time.

If you do find yourself having a stay in the cold room, don’t see it as the end just learn from it and accept you have strayed too far from what is descent.
Benny could have his own thread in the “centenary” area ;)

Alan Surrey

Maybe rather than ring fencing off topic content it should appear in its own most recent 5 below the main one with members able to minimise it if it’s not their thing?
I really don't have a problem with it as it is now.
But if you made a change like this, I expect I could live with it without difficulty.

Just musing now....I guess the point is that if you just want to browse, to while away some time, you can just surf the list of threads with most recent activity: No need to change the forum structure. But if you want an on topic thread, say on QPV windscreen wipers, you would go to the left hand pane, browse to "QPV technical," then look through it for something about windscreen wipers: No need to change the forum structure.