Stone The Crows! Bird like nightmare :-(

Trev Latter

It could have been worse….This is Skiff. Very tame, although he can be a little intimidating standing at around 6ft. He was in our local paper a few months back after escaping his field and pecking at a Police car window to be fed! He likes a cuddle too.


Staff member
What a shame, wretched birds. Fingers crossed it will polish out ok.
We have a pheasant here who 'fights' with the patio doors, I'll definitely not be leaving my car on the drive any more in case he starts on that instead.

Sam McGoo

Have you got a picture of how it looks now after cleaning. If it is just in the clear coat then a wet sand followed by polish with g3 and then final polish with your DA will work wonders.

I haven't at the minute as I decided to continue with the family break, but will get some. I think you'll only be able to see it in certain lighting now.

Any idea how much something like that should cost from a pro? DA Polishing I don't mind, but attacking the car with wet and dry I don't think the masser should be my first experience.

Sam McGoo

How unlucky Sam as it looked beautiful last Sat at the meet.

I agree that for minor stuff like this I would never go insurance route as they always get their money back in increased premiums, even if you have protected NCD. Only claim insurance for total loss, big damage or stolen IMO.

Somone drove into the wing of my Cayenne in a car park 2 weeks ago and no CCTV so no idea who it was. Used wing off eBay for £48, took the old one off myself and my local bodywork bloke is painting the used one and putting it back on next Week for about £250. Bet my premium would have increased next year for all my cars if I made a claim.

It was looking good, because I hadn't long ago spent 3 days claying, da polishing all the swirls out and waxing it! Typical.

Do you have anyone in the area you've used on your prestigious fleet you might be happy to recommend for a pro opinion or detail?

Sam McGoo

@Sam McGoo it is something I know chapter and verse about. It is highly unlikely it’ll need painting, if you can’t feel it with your finger nail, it’ll all polish. Stopping them doing it again will be an issue. Poison or an air rifle. Nothing else works. Most intelligent animals after us and chimps, although they’re clearly not that intelligent scratching at their reflection when they’re horny.

Cheers Richard. I hope I have the some luck, and it's good to hear you've managed to have similar damage polished out.

I rarely leave the car out of the garage, but we were late returning home and Caroline was driving, so putting it away wasn't practical.

I fear your right, and might have to be on watch with a suitable deterant!


How horrific - like something out of Hitchcock!

And there I was today getting grumpy about the inconvenience of the dusting of pollen on my car!

Hope you get her looking pristine again soon ...


Blimey that’s bad, a detailer will probably sort it fir less than your excess.

Got to my folk’s the other week and my Dad’s wing mirror had a bin bag over it.

“You clobbered your wing mirror?”

“No blue tits keep pecking at it.”


Definitely go down the detailing route, you’ll be paying for the insurance claim for years to come and it should polish out subject to the fingernail test. Had a similar problem with a 911 parked on the drive at my old house. Urban foxes decided to attack it by climbing all over it several nights on trot. Never touched anyone else’s car or the others on my drive that were worth a 10th of the value. Infuriating.


Geez that’s quite something to see!
Hopefully you can get the damage remedied relatively inexpensively Sam.
Wonder what triggered them to do it.....maybe they thought it was another big black crow invading their space.

Funnily enough this happened to me last week......had this little chap fly around all the windows having a go.....reckon I parked in front of his nest.

Eventually I plucked up the courage to get the Mrs out the car to shoo him off.

Hopefully they won’t do it again but if you want I can do a weekly rental for this if you need a deterrent....
Nice house and drive by the way!
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i did find a load of small stones a few years ago just by my glass doors to the leisure unit, seemed to have hit the doors as the glass was marked and thought wtf was that all about, all makes sense now after reading this article, at that time we were invaded by some 5/6 crows in the garden every day for a few weeks and then disappeared, fecking magpies are a right pain the 4rse as well



i did find a load of small stones a few years ago just by my glass doors to the leisure unit, seemed to have hit the doors as the glass was marked and thought wtf was that all about, all makes sense now after reading this article, at that time we were invaded by some 5/6 crows in the garden every day for a few weeks and then disappeared, fecking magpies are a right pain the 4rse as well

So that's what it is! Had this on a couple of cars I bought. could never work it out! Thanks


Felonious Crud

Staff member
@Trev Latter is that a rhea ? We always seem to have one or two escaped ones around here.

Crows and rooks are very smart (clearly only up to a point), fascinating to watch and hard as h3ll to deter. We have way too many around here. They've not attacked my car yet but they do enjoy crarping on it (and other things). I've read that, aside from shooting them, the best deterrent is to hang a dead one in a tree. They don't like that. Some of the local farmers do it. Whilst effective, it does look a bit sinister.


think we're all going to be on crow watch now :lol:

I'm totally serious. My 4200 looked as though someone had thrown handfuls of gravel at it. Dented the doors (which the PDR man magicked away) but the glass was also chipped. Can't recall which other car had similar (but far less extensive) issues.



That is very bad luck, and has others have said I would avoid insurance, I would think your excess would half cover the cost of a Detailer. Bad news is you are not allowed to shoot crows anymore or magpies and a whole load of others.
Get a similar thing with crows here, first thing in the morning they are smashing against our conservatory windows make a very load noise.
I used 'Cambridgeshire Concours once who seemed OK but that was for a soft top clean and re-proof.
Of course if you now want to get rid of it for a ridiculous low price I will help you out
Seriously though I feel for you, enjoy your few days away.

Sam McGoo

think we're all going to be on crow watch now :lol:

We rarely get crows. We get most other birds in the garden, but did notice last week a pair of crows at the bird feeders. I also saw them attacking a pigeon nest. So I assume this pair are nesting in the garden somewhere. Hopefully if I can get rid of them, there won't be a repeat event!