This can't be right surely? Your takeaway on finance!


You're correct, I was generalising on the mostly younger women in the queue, I couldn't see what they were doing

My original post was in reference to catman's post about people not having £5 for ingredients for food hence my comment about people queuing at a food bank while browsing the Internet on their smartphones

I find it interesting you consider a phone is a necessity even if it means you can't afford food.

My daughter is doing her masters this year, she got the first job she applied for, 26 hours a week, there's plenty of work for those that can and want to but while things are being handed out for free many will sit back and let it roll in.

I disagree with your apparent view that those who struggle to pay for food should be denied a smart phone. You’ve made generalisations (your own words) about things you have absolutely zero comprehension of. What do you know of anyone’s circumstances and, again, who are you to judge? Perhaps they were struggling that day or week whilst waiting for their salary or benefits to be paid - should they all go and surrender their smart phones somewhere because of it? Do you think people may be embarrassed enough to be queuing at a food bank?

Your glib comment about seeing ‘most’ in the queue browsing social media TV was frankly crass and almost certainly untrue.


I truly believe the issue here is education - if you didn't get a good start in life it can be very hard to move up - and why is there no personal finance training given as part of the national curriculum?

For every feckless waster there is another person in true's a shame there seem to be more of both these days.

When I met my Mrs she was in a good job with a reasonable salary but also a large amount of debt, partially caused by removing herself and kids from a previous bad relationship but also because she just was not financially minded. It caused her untold worry and after I sat down with her and figured out the best course of action things got sorted.

We have a friend who is a true sponger and has an amazing lifestyle despite living on Universal Credit and not working (she could) - but also screwing her ex husband, it amazes me that spousal & child support payments are not taken into account when claiming benefits or not checked, I'm not sure which!

Alternatively we know a young guy literally living on the breadline, he is good with money but struggles to make ends meet even though he works.

One issue I see all the time though (circling back to Klarna) is plenty of people believing that they deserve to have what they want even if they can't afford it, this starts a spiralling demise into debt. I was taught by my parents to balance the books with my Girobank account and chequebook, this has taught me well although I do now believe in using other peoples money to fund business - but only if you know you will be able to pay it back eventually!

I blame a lack of education in financial affairs, being told that if you want it you can have it, PCP's etc. - I may be generalising but a see a very big 'live for the moment' attitude from the under 35's now - someone else will pick up the tab apparently.

You will always have true poverty and people in need unfortunatley but many people could be a bit more responsible - one size certainly does not fit all.


Your glib comment about seeing ‘most’ in the queue browsing social media TV was frankly crass and almost certainly untrue.

Quite regularly the BBC will portray the north in a certain way , if they interview someone randomly in the street they'll fit the stereotype , scousers with dyed yellow hair , someone from wigan with the broadest accent they can find, somebody from warrington that calls people cock, I'm sure the queue was filmed the way it was BECAUSE they were queuing at a food bank in a northern town while browsing their phones, the camera went down the line rather than filming the queue from a stationary position so you got a look at everyone in it.


Quite regularly the BBC will portray the north in a certain way , if they interview someone randomly in the street they'll fit the stereotype , scousers with dyed yellow hair , someone from wigan with the broadest accent they can find, somebody from warrington that calls people cock, I'm sure the queue was filmed the way it was BECAUSE they were queuing at a food bank in a northern town while browsing their phones, the camera went down the line rather than filming the queue from a stationary position so you got a look at everyone in it.

So you’re saying the views you have expressed are the BBC’s fault for filming at a certain angle?



So you’re saying the views you have expressed are the BBC’s fault for filming at a certain angle?

No, I'm saying they made a point of filming the queue so you could see how many were on their phone which was most of them


No, I'm saying they made a point of filming the queue so you could see how many were on their phone which was most of them

And it’s from this that you made your judgement and generalisations?

Should those in a queue for a food bank give up their unnecessary phones immediately and stand solemnly and silently with a grateful demeanour?

It’s taking some time and effort but I’m genuinely hoping at some point you’ll see how ridiculous your comments, judgement and generalisations are?


I've just read this thread and find it quite comical that people have such strong opinions either way to an almost nothing subject in reality. I do think this is really where a lot of issues stem from in today's society.

I don't mind either way who has an opinion about what really. Neither is right or wrong it is just an opinion. As long as it doesn't hurt someone or cause them ireal ssues then it has no real impact.

We seem ****-bent on changing people's opinion often as it opposes ours because they are wrong. They aren't wrong just have a differing opinion. It is OK to be different and have a different opinion about anything.

Why should we care so much? Why should it bother us so much? I don't care any more as have come to terms with these facts of life. People are different. People have different opinions or interpretations on all things. So what. It is OK.

We have started to become a very divisive and divided society more than ever. I don't know why or for what purpose or what it achieves. We won't all agree about things so why can't we just agree to disagree in our opinion and move onto something of greater importance. Like the current trend of engine downsizing


I wholeheartedly agree @rockits. There seems to be misplaced anger resulting in some over-personalised, attacking comments that don’t seem to be consistent with what I’ve understood to be ‘forum-like behaviour’. Unless I’m wrong?

When we find ourselves getting personal in attacks, then clearly something beyond arguing the topic at hand is at play. Perhaps good to pause, reflect and take a breath at such times?


There is also the question of what food. In the school meals sector, the take up of free school meals is never 100% and in some deprived areas it is as low as 65%. Why? Some kids from deprived areas don’t recognise Jamie Oliver’s low fat, low sugar, chips once a week menu as food. To anyone on a prepared food diet it’s bland a tasteless and very few have heard of quinoa……expecting peeps to make that leap in a one is too much - so we fail the poorest yet again…..


For the record I am not bothered if they have a mobile phone or not or wear double denim or not. Or if they do handstands in the queue.

There clearly are some fundamental issues with the world, the country, the economy and society if people are queuing at food banks.

When there is enough wealth in the world for everyone on it to have more than basic requirements and much more maybe that is a good starting point to focus on the rebalance of wealth.


And it’s from this that you made your judgement and generalisations?

Should those in a queue for a food bank give up their unnecessary phones immediately and stand solemnly and silently with a grateful demeanour?

It’s taking some time and effort but I’m genuinely hoping at some point you’ll see how ridiculous your comments, judgement and generalisations are?