Thruxton skid pan session


Junior Member
Just returned from a session at Thruxton taking my car around the skid pan. Fantastic session. He said mine was the first 4200 he had had there.
The instructor was friendly, helpful and encouraged me to what I wanted and "use more power" which is always a good sign. There was another guy there in a Beemer and we took it in turns. There was never more than about a 3 minute wait between goes. No laborious briefings and debriefings - all learning on the skid pan. Very satisfying feeling great improvement in the hour from pirouetting to hold a drift on a circuit.
We each had a walkie talkie in our cars so the instructor could stand outside, watch us and guide us, ensuring there was no hanging aroue said mine was the first 4200 he had had there. It was really good knowing what it feels like to slide in my car and correct it with steering and gas - in a 100% safe environment. It was also interesting seeing the effect of traction control on/off, sport on/off.
I really recommend giving it a go. Thanks to Devonpaul for the tip.


Special case
Best use of money in persuit of driving skills you can make IMHO so worthwhile...

As was proven through much of Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire by many Maserati today!