Want to join me for a road trip following Le Mans?


As some of you may recall, last year I left Le Mans straight after the race and headed south to play around on the Pyrenees and soak up some sun on the North East coast of Spain.

There are amazing mountain roads with little or no traffic, awesome scenery, nice weather, great food and nice people.

I'm going to do the same again this year, whilst I have no problem doing the trip on my own, I thought I'd mention it on here in case anyone fancies coming along. I'm in the process of looking into routes, locations and accommodation at the moment. There's essentially two options; a different hotel/B&B every night, or a Villa to use as a base to head out from each day and invite other the other half to for the weekend.

Dates would be, leaving Le Mans after the race and heading a place called Condom (stop sniggering at the back) it's about 4 hrs from Le Mans, then following day heading into the mountains, accommodation that night somewhere in the mountain area. Then Wednesday head to the coast and check into a villa to use as a base. Check out of the villa Saturday morning and start driving west towards Santander, over night stay half way, and then board the 24hr ferry to Portsmouth on the Monday. Arrive in Portsmouth Tuesday around 2pm.

Approx costs:
Ferry £400
Accomodation £500 - £1,000 depending on where, quality and number of people
Petrol £500 - depending on what you're driving
Food and booze £500 - depending on quantity and quality

Let me know if you're interested. Here's a few pics from last year to give you a taste.



Forum Owner
You have seen our Viva Espana thread then?

Looks epic, can we put you down on the planning team for our trip?

Would love to come but I have a wife and thus limited time to enjoy life, apparently :(


No interest in this ?

Wish I knew about this earlier!!

I am away for 1 week before Le Mans. Then also away for 1 week 2 weeks after I come back from Le Mans. This could be the trip that breaks the camels back!

I'll do it next year. If I plan ahead.

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