2008 Maserati Granturismo 4.2 For Sale


New Member
Sorry to hear your health issue and hope you can recover soon. I’m sure that someone that values a well maintained car will come up and buy it from you.
Wish you all the best and good luck on the sale.


GLWS Mike - looks a lovely example.

And you have my sympathies on the back issues. I broke mine many years ago playing rugby, but after an operation, made what appeared to be a full recovery. But now, 30 years on, it’s coming back to haunt me. Worn vertebrae and thinned discs being the issue for me in my lower back.

Diazapan and a lengthy drive (as a passenger) in the Range Rover is the cure now. That car has the most amazing seats, with proper lumber adjustment and a massage function. It sounds silly I know, but half an hour in the Rangie makes a world of difference if I’m in pain and in a “frozen” state. (Not necessarily easy to get in or out though, when in that state.)
Cheers Ewan. Funnily enough, I do know what you mean. At the time my current bout of disc issues started in 07, I'd just bought myself the previous model (99-05) of Grand Cherokee. The seats were like arm chairs and I could drive from Cork to the Highlands in one go and still feel fairly fresh at the other end. That thing was a life line, while I had it.
When I'm too old to sail, I might buy another Granturismo. If the prices haven't climbed too much by then ;)