4200 gear selector actuator anyone have a good spare or know anyone who can repair?


Junior Member
My 4200 is at emblem sports car and the gearbox actuator has broken a shaft or jammed internaly does anybody know anybody who can repair ? Or has a good used one? I have seen one on ebay in ireland for 750 used. Just want to see what is my best option.


Forum Owner
Try and get one from a later car, it appears the 2002/03 cars are more prone. Also don't throw away your old one, if you don't want it I would love to have it, PM me.


Junior Member
Thanks for the reply I have seen a low miles gearbox not a long way away so I am trying to find out if it still has the actuator attached. I may buy that use the actuator and then see if I can repair my old one. I will then have a low miles gearbox and recon actuator to keep or resell.
I have found a company http://www.sbraceengineering.co.uk who say they can repair the actuator.I have not spoken to them yet to discuss prices etc.
I know there are two part no for an early and then later one which is also used on the Ferrari 360.
My car is a higher mileage car so do not really want to spend £2500 buying a new one.
Has anybody had one apart or reconed anywhere ? I have read on another post that the differance between the new & older one is different banjo bold internal sizes is that all ???


Junior Member
Just spoken to Greg, nice guy to chat with and he has done me a deal on the actuator he has so it will be sent direct to emblem next week. Now we have to see if the clutch is still ok even if it has 100% wear which is the same as 12 months ago. I will get the old one back to see if it can be repaired, Greg said he supplies one guy who does but they are £2500 which is more than new.


Emblem replaced the actuator on mine back in July, we considered getting a 2nd hand one but eventually got a deal from Eurospares on a new later one. The difference between the new one and old one is amazing.

We also decided to leave the clutch alone, even though it has 50k miles on it and is reading 85%, a few more miles in it yet we reckon.

I still have the original actuator for parts or refurbishment if needed by anyone. Emblem have had issues with refurbished units, one on a Lambo went in and out 4 times before the owner gave up an bought a new one, the refurbishment company refunded his cost but not Emblems labour so he was well out of pocket.


Junior Member
I have seen the price of the new at eurospares at £2k+ so the low miles one I have purchased for £700 del has to be tried. I know the risk of the labour charges using 2nd hand parts not my first choice. I may be lucky or not we will see. I read your post on your replacement and it did make me think is going to be worth it.


Eurospares did mine for £1850 plus the Vat :( much better than the Maserati price of £2490 + Vat

It hurt like **** but I must admit I am surprised how much better it is than the old one which could mean that mine was already showing signs of wear or that the new unit is a good upgrade. Either way it's in and working fine, touchwood

Good luck hope all goes well and the 2nd hand unit works well, sure it will


I would like to know too.
I reckon my original 02 Maserati was better than my 04 model.
The Ferrari 360 was just awesome.
In simple terms up or down it was bang bang.


Since the new actuator the gear changes are both consistently faster and smoother.

I only drive it in Sport mode and although the old changes were fast they were very abrupt as if the whole drive train was being slammed in to submission. Now they are much faster very much snap, snap, snap but with out any of that total lack of sympathy for the mechanical bits in the process that the old one had.

The other thing that has gone is the confusion when you wanted to accelerate quickly but not with your foot on the floor. The old change often got confused into either delivering a hard aggressive change when you were just accelerating a bit quicker or a real slush change will killed all forward motion. Now the changes are always spot on the for what I am asking it to do.

There is one downside, cold changes - in the morning when all fluids are cold the gear change is lazy as if it hasn't quite woke up yet, you can feel it slipping the clutch and it's not nice. It is only there for a minute or two and given all the other good bits I will live with it.


Junior Member
Had a call today from myles at emblem to say my car is fixed the actuator from greg was a good later one so the gear changes are now quicker. Now looking forward to the 90 min drive back from poole.


Had a call today from myles at emblem to say my car is fixed the actuator from greg was a good later one so the gear changes are now quicker. Now looking forward to the 90 min drive back from poole.

Excellent, I always enjoy my drive back from Emblem, like you its a 90min plus journey