Any car paint experts on here.


I had a tin of spray paint mixed up by a local car paint specialist. It was for touching up the odd stone chip by spraying some into the cap and using a rolled up tissue to touch the stone chips up. Anyway I bought that tin 2019 and today decided I would get a new tin from the same place, Verde Goodwood. The difference in colour from the first tin is night and day. It’s mixed to the same Maserati code but nowhere near a match.
So this is the question for any experts out there, I still have a drop in my old tin, would a paint specialist be able to take a sample from the old tin and do an exact copy? Hopefully not using a spectrophotometer as I don’t find them very accurate.
Thanks for any help
The new tin sample looks more blue than green.


I had a tin of spray paint mixed up by a local car paint specialist. It was for touching up the odd stone chip by spraying some into the cap and using a rolled up tissue to touch the stone chips up. Anyway I bought that tin 2019 and today decided I would get a new tin from the same place, Verde Goodwood. The difference in colour from the first tin is night and day. It’s mixed to the same Maserati code but nowhere near a match.
So this is the question for any experts out there, I still have a drop in my old tin, would a paint specialist be able to take a sample from the old tin and do an exact copy? Hopefully not using a spectrophotometer as I don’t find them very accurate.
Thanks for any help
The new tin sample looks more blue than green.
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I would go back to they guys that mixed your new tin, clearly they have somehow got it wrong.


I would go back to they guys that mixed your new tin, clearly they have somehow got it wrong.
I did scaf but I think the problem is that they must use a different company to get the formula on the computer now. He showed me a colour chart with Verde Goodwood on and to be fair to him once he’d sprayed 3 coats on a test card it resembled the colour which was too dark but better than the first coat.
I’ve got a specialist on the case now, hopefully he’ll put me right.


Did you go off the name or the paint code?

There could very well be more than one Verde Goodwood


I had a tin of spray paint mixed up by a local car paint specialist. It was for touching up the odd stone chip by spraying some into the cap and using a rolled up tissue to touch the stone chips up. Anyway I bought that tin 2019 and today decided I would get a new tin from the same place, Verde Goodwood. The difference in colour from the first tin is night and day. It’s mixed to the same Maserati code but nowhere near a match.
So this is the question for any experts out there, I still have a drop in my old tin, would a paint specialist be able to take a sample from the old tin and do an exact copy? Hopefully not using a spectrophotometer as I don’t find them very accurate.
Thanks for any help
The new tin sample looks more blue than green.
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Can you spray up a bit of metal with the old paint or just take the fuel filler cover for them to scan? You would get the correct colour for age and facing then.


There are 2 orchr 3 versions of Nero carbonio. Different flake colours and quality I believe. My paint shop scans the car paint to match.


Did you go off the name or the paint code?

There could very well be more than one Verde Goodwood
Both, I think it’s down to the software on the pc what it decides the ingredients are to make it. Kett’s where I went had two different software firms, the other one I would’ve had to buy 4 tins as the mix needs to be a larger amount, as I’d a single tin a few years back I thought the one I went with would’ve been a safe bet.


Can you spray up a bit of metal with the old paint or just take the fuel filler cover for them to scan? You would get the correct colour for age and facing then.
The fuel cap would’ve been a better idea but I thought as I’d had a result previous through the Maserati paint code I wouldn’t need to. spectrophotometers can be a bit hit or miss sometimes and I thought in this instance the code was a safer bet.


There are 2 orchr 3 versions of Nero carbonio. Different flake colours and quality I believe. My paint shop scans the car paint to match.
I think there’s two variants of Verde Goodwood but only one place in Northampton have confirmed this.
I always say to anyone having a respray to make sure they get a extra litre of paint for matching purposes at a later date.


Certain colours fade too. A good body shop often fade colours and blend in panels beyond the subject area for a perfect finish.


When our Zoe was keyed and bashed about by the Wee Woman, the paint shop tried 3 suppliers to get a decent match to the Renault Aconite.

[edit: the keying was done by some Pewsey scally, not the W W!]


There is likely to be a paint supplier in your area that will do a colour matching service.

Sayers in Northampton will take a sample (washer cover, filler cap) and tweak the mix until a spray out matches perfectly. Costs £25.


There is likely to be a paint supplier in your area that will do a colour matching service.

Sayers in Northampton will take a sample (washer cover, filler cap) and tweak the mix until a spray out matches perfectly. Costs £25.
Yes Zep
I’ve used them before and they were the only company who showed two shades of Verde Goodwood on their system.
The company called Ketts where I bought both tins had two manufacturers on their system unfortunately they would only be able to use one particular manufacturer if I only wanted one tin. To use the other manufacturer I would’ve had to buy 4 tins as they needed to mix up more to get the right formula. When I took it back and said it’s nothing like your tin I bought off you 4 years ago “you must’ve had the other one and bought 4 tins back then” Of course I hadn’t bought 4 tins back then and the conversation was going nowhere.
As I always say to anyone who’s having their car resprayed make sure you get an extra litre of paint for future touch-ups or to make a spray can up.