Assetto Corsa for sale at Autofficina


Well lads not been on for a while as I'm very busy with the hotel but just to put my 2 pence worth in.

As some will know I did all the homework prior to getting my AC and in the end got what I would say was a peach of a car and paid top dollar for it. d In the first year 2000 miles it had a throttle pot & disc's all round under warranty.

When I made my mind up to move on and get my dream Ghibli Open Cup I set about getting everything sorted ready for sale. thats when it all came home to roost! I had to have the Throttle body done and then the dredded end float reared it's head...... and don't forget it is an AUTO! anyway still loved the car to bits and very sad to let her go but she has a new home and an owner who will not have the biggest issue to deal with if any. Over the three years and 5000 miles she cost a total of £6K in service tyres and repairs.

Would I do it again. You bet I would but not until I have an Open Cup in my garage.

Hi Pete, good to know your still about mate....Can not wait to see the Ghibli Open Cup when you find the right car.


Hi Peter,
Glad you finally sold your lovechild and I hope you find exactly what you are looking for soon.
Take Care


Good to see you on the forum Peter........keep us up to speed and good luck with the search



Junior Member
I must say I would do just that......

I get what you say but it took me over 18mths of searching to find a car I was happy with so I couldn't bring myself to giving it up so soon. I'd only owned the car around 6mths at the time too so I couldn't even contemplate selling it on at that time.
I doubt I'd sell it, in the same circumstances, today to be honest.

I've got exactly the car and spec I wanted so I'm pretty content with the car rather than the cash for now.

Suddenly get the feeling something will go spectacularly wrong after saying that!