Astons Suv


I still don’t get why we have fallen head over heels for yet another American fad. By its very nature it’s totally compromised; too big to do anything meaningful off road, especially with road tyres, and too big to do anything meaningful on road. I could see a point for the original Range Rover but that is no longer a utility vehicle and all these other monstrosities it has spawned are just willy wavers in a “who can p!ss highest up the wall” competition. It’s a load of bolloxcs.



It’s a pig. I still don’t get why we have fallen head over heels for yet another American fad. By its very nature it’s totally compromised; too big to do anything meaningful off road, especially with road tyres, and too big to do anything meaningful on road. I could see a point for the original Range Rover but that is no longer a utility vehicle and all these other monstrosities it has spawned are just willy wavers in a “who can p!ss highest up the wall” competition. It’s a load of bolloxcs.
Range Rover I hear u cry...., tomorrow I am due to pick up one of the most stunning cars I’ve set eyes on in many a year......even though I haven't actually seen it in the flesh. I will be willy waving and pissing up many walls cos you’re talking bollox. A suv has as much a place on the road as a sports car......where limits negate the need for a sports car.


I saw a couple of development ones last year. They looked better with the camouflage on.
Not their finest work.

But since the Vanquish I think Aston's styling has gone downhill.


As above... we live on a farm and have coped with normal cars for three years.

The vast majority of these SUVs are 2 wheel drive and are just a fashion statement.


Oh, I quite like it, but it's massive. Bigger than a Range Rover.
It's about an inch longer than the RR, but is lower and narrower, so it's a lot smaller inside.
I think it looks okay from the side, but I'm not keen on the front or back.
It'll obviously outperform the RR in terms of sportiness, but that's not why I've got a Rangie. To drive the RR in a sporty fashion is to miss the point entirely. And it annoys the other guns (and foul) if you tear up to a shoot arrival in a blaze of mud and dust!


Like many, I have an admittedly irrational dislike of SUVs. I too think they are unnecessary for most, overweight, slow, inefficient on fuel, to big for car parks etc etc and are mostly purchased for the style.....However, many similar criticisms could be levelled at many sportscars, many of which suffer the same inherent problems but are even less practical. Buying a Maserati or any other similarly indulgent car can easily be criticised for many of the same reasons however it is the SUV that seems to get petrolheads most upset. Perhaps it's because we are inherently sceptical and annoyed by the Sports element of the name and the marketing of them as a sports car and 4x4 in one. Either way I am coming round the the feeling that the person in a SUV is no more mistaken or correct in their purchase than I am about any of my cars.

Doctor Houx

As an AML shareholder I hope it sells like hot cakes, although at that price I’ll be sticking with my Cayenne Turbo for now.


Like many, I have an admittedly irrational dislike of SUVs. I too think they are unnecessary for most, overweight, slow, inefficient on fuel, to big for car parks etc etc and are mostly purchased for the style.....However, many similar criticisms could be levelled at many sportscars, many of which suffer the same inherent problems but are even less practical. Buying a Maserati or any other similarly indulgent car can easily be criticised for many of the same reasons however it is the SUV that seems to get petrolheads most upset. Perhaps it's because we are inherently sceptical and annoyed by the Sports element of the name and the marketing of them as a sports car and 4x4 in one. Either way I am coming round the the feeling that the person in a SUV is no more mistaken or correct in their purchase than I am about any of my cars.
I don't think your dislike is irrational but rational for the reasons you've stated.

Gordon Murray doesn't understand why mummy drops off her child at school in 3 tonnes of car when a supermini or a walk shall suffice.


Lovely of the best driving SUV's out there apparently but very challenging looks agree. My wife loves it........…..As Rwc13 said darker colours do seem to look better.


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Felonious Crud

Staff member
It's about an inch longer than the RR, but is lower and narrower, so it's a lot smaller inside.
I think it looks okay from the side, but I'm not keen on the front or back.
It'll obviously outperform the RR in terms of sportiness, but that's not why I've got a Rangie. To drive the RR in a sporty fashion is to miss the point entirely. And it annoys the other guns (and foul) if you tear up to a shoot arrival in a blaze of mud and dust!

You're right, it's the wrong car for an old-school armed blag. You need a Jag for that.


Saw one in person last week! My first thoughts before I knew it was an Aston was why is there a Hyundai outside the Bentley MD. Nuff said


It's about an inch longer than the RR, but is lower and narrower, so it's a lot smaller inside.
I think it looks okay from the side, but I'm not keen on the front or back.
It'll obviously outperform the RR in terms of sportiness, but that's not why I've got a Rangie. To drive the RR in a sporty fashion is to miss the point entirely. And it annoys the other guns (and foul) if you tear up to a shoot arrival in a blaze of mud and dust!
Still wafting around in your old one. I totally get them now.


I don’t dislike it to be honest but wouldn’t have a 4x4 unless I needed it for towing.

The inlaws HAVE to have 4wd, in case it snows in Kent! and I don’t really get it. Been a civil engineer for 20 years always had 2wd company cars and only been stuck twice; once on a grass verge in an Astra and once when we put a Rover in a drainage ditch on the side of a slag heap, nothing without tracks was getting out of that.

They gave me a Hilux once which lasted about 2 days, hateful thing on the road and went back to a Focus.


Sea Urchin Pate
Range Rover I hear u cry...., tomorrow I am due to pick up one of the most stunning cars I’ve set eyes on in many a year......even though I haven't actually seen it in the flesh. I will be willy waving and pissing up many walls cos you’re talking bollox. A suv has as much a place on the road as a sports car......where limits negate the need for a sports car.

Ah, you must be one of the brainwashed masses to whom size matters. Why have a normal car that fits in a normal parking space when you can have a European main battle tank that doesn’t? Ah yes, the perceived status of such a monstrosity that usually attracts WAGs and fat middle aged men. What does an SUV do better than a Subaru Forester for example? F*ck all is the correct answer but I don't expect you to give it. Btw, what is this most stunning of cars you have spunked your hard earned on? You forgot to say, so am I to assume you are too embarrassed to tell us?

Felonious Crud

Staff member
Range Rover I hear u cry...., tomorrow I am due to pick up one of the most stunning cars I’ve set eyes on in many a year......

Yeah, but in fairness you've been locked inside your flat for the last 6 months, Wattie. A lot has changed since you last went outside.


Ah, you must be one of the brainwashed masses to whom size matters. Why have a normal car that fits in a normal parking space when you can have a European main battle tank that doesn’t? Ah yes, the perceived status of such a monstrosity that usually attracts WAGs and fat middle aged men. What does an SUV do better than a Subaru Forester for example? F*ck all is the correct answer but I don't expect you to give it. Btw, what is this most stunning of cars you have spunked your hard earned on? You forgot to say, so am I to assume you are too embarrassed to tell us?
So now if you buy a SUV size matters? Doesn’t that apply to sports cars in equal doses? Size and the new Qp go hand in hand don’t they? As for status etc.....similar too I would have thought. Unfortunately I’m passed middle age but remain fortunately unfat.
Subaru Forester? Horrible thing with a stupid name, no thanks. So looks for a start. I’ve way too much style and panache to be seen with my wag wife in that.
Embarrassed, me? Occasionally but certainly not on this topic which has been well discussed.
You need to keep up.
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