Brooklands Auto Italia 4th May!!

dem maser

It’s that time in January where I’m arranging a meet for May haha

I have been talking to Phil from Auto Italia and voiced some feedback re last year and how I’d like it improved and he will get back to me.

We may have a larger plot where the Abarths usually go as he’s cutting them down or our usual space with the field opposite aswel this year, I have arranged to meet him in March at Brooklands and I’ll update you all when I know.

Also…..I shall start a separate thread next month with a list of those who wish to track….again some feedback I gave him re last year.
There won’t be many but I’m aiming for more than the 2 I got last year.

It’s in May this year (usually April) and traditionally we have been lucky with hot weather so hopefully more of the same with it being even later in the year.

Tickets to be obtained from here
but can we please still have a list from those going so I can fight our corner re space and ofcourse book you in to be parked in our bay…..

1. Dem


I should be there again, would be good if there’s an opportunity to identify forum members or a place to meet at a specific time as I approached a few Maz owners and none belonged to the forum.


I should be there again, would be good if there’s an opportunity to identify forum members or a place to meet at a specific time as I approached a few Maz owners and none belonged to the forum.
We get our own spot so will all be together, although last year those who managed to wrangle a track pass had to park elsewhere.

dem maser

I should be there again, would be good if there’s an opportunity to identify forum members or a place to meet at a specific time as I approached a few Maz owners and none belonged to the forum.
I shall organise a meet at a specific time once I know more for us all to introduce

dem maser

1. Dem
2. Scaf (Strad)
3. Simon
4. Jaast
5. Harvey Tim
6. makeshiftUK
7. Eb
8. Lozzer and Mrs
9. Steve M
10. C4sman