Castle Combe 29 October 2016


Glad you can make it MrMickS.
Good you've applied to Amy for a track drive, sounds as if there may be a few this year from SportItalia.
Just to advise all that if it goes to last years pattern you'll be contacted by Richard, but at the 11th hour!
Yep, we'll need a list of definites to book our display space for SportItalia.!

Got a message back from Amy asking for more details about track experience and said she'd pass my details on to Richard.


Did I see a post saying the driver brief for the parade lap is at 7am? While I'm up for getting up at 5am for it the other half won't be. Happy to attend and be part of the sports italia display.


Did I see a post saying the driver brief for the parade lap is at 7am? While I'm up for getting up at 5am for it the other half won't be. Happy to attend and be part of the sports italia display.

Yeah. I saw something like that so I've got a B&B a couple of miles away for the night before. Heading down to visiting relatives in Somerset afterwards so I really mustn't break the car ;)


Junior Member
Did I see a post saying the driver brief for the parade lap is at 7am? While I'm up for getting up at 5am for it the other half won't be. Happy to attend and be part of the sports italia display.

Yeah. I saw something like that so I've got a B&B a couple of miles away for the night before. Heading down to visiting relatives in Somerset afterwards so I really mustn't break the car ;)

7am! That was my post, er, a very small exaggeration meant to mildly shock during a bit of banter flying on the thread at the time. ;)
So now, in serious mode: As far as I am aware track signing on & briefing times are not yet finalised but it will obviously be after the organising team 'clock in' at 7am but realistically probably 7.15 or p'raps nearer to 7.30am.
It's still an early start for people travelling a distance - MrMickS has organised his trip down from York - your feedback looks promising for a drive MrMickS!
15 minutes or so is, I guess, not mega helpful to your situation 'FernandoIsFasterThanYou'? Welcome all the same, we're getting a fine display of Massers, probably with several 'Bellas' on track to watch.
Have any Alfa drivers applied for a blast on the circuit? If you are interested then jump in in before the driving deadline arrives.
Any further display entries are also very welcome. We've a few weeks yet before we need to notify the numbers to the organisers so that they can allocate us sufficient space.


I've given Mick my details and track experience etc so might be considered. I will bring the forum flag banner to put next to the Maser's so just need someone to bring a Gazebo along now as October can get pretty wet.

Oh and I have done Brunty this year, am doing Llandow a week before this so please don't expect a lot from the big beast as she will be tired and worn :D


Junior Member
Ciao amici,

Some weekend leisure reading for all youse' Italian car enthusiasts
It's sectioned into specifics so you can skip whatever and go on to your particular interest:-

*-------- EDITORIAL
Focus today again is Supercar Saturday and we have now ONLY 2 WEEKS before we notify final numbers to the organisers for them to allocate space.

Recent personal recruitment efforts have included:

*Dunsfold - Spoke to 2 Alfisti from one of our remaining Overseas Colonies (the I.O.W) and encouraged them to ferry across and display their immaculate silver Brera at 'Combe.

*Goodwood - I had a chat with a cool dude chilling in the Members car park in a pale leather trimmed immaculate 4porte, lent for the day by Masser UK and took the opportunity to suggest that he let them know about this event when he returned the car to base - he took details of the thread so it is now in the capable hands of the gods. :)

*Alfaholics - I've also given Jim S a nudge but obviously it's a busy time for their racing team, and the event is on a trading Saturday, but let's hope that they can encourage some of their 105 series owners to bring along their classic Alfas, a Montreal or TZ even maybe?

*Dentist - I invited him whilst undergoing treatment recently as he owns some sports car thingyjig called, I think, a 'Ferrera Californicator? which I have personally paid for over the years and it does look Italian. Unfortunately s()ds law ensured he was far far away on his holiday in late October. So sad that the poor blighters have to take their hol's in Blackpool at such unsocial times, still it's cheap B&B offpeak!

*Lotus - On Sunday I met a Lotus manager friend from the 70's who has a Brera and I'm still hoping I persuaded him to drive down from t' Grim Fruzzen North, maybe trailering the 'Works' Parilla motorcycle he rode yonks ago. He'd been trying to track me down for over 20 years, as have some in Club Lotus I gather!!


That's why I wasn't at the brekkie meet at the farm on Sunday Nick. :(

Chit-chat over so now on to:

@-------- FIRSTLY, Drivers Ontrack:
To date I read that we have 3 members who have applied for this and it looks online like the list is still open but probably no-one has heard back yet from Richard, please post when you do - meanwhile, Good Luck y'all!:

A. MrMickS in a Maserati Ghibli S - Research online' reveals the truth that "Ghiblis can last for days" :)
B. Contigo in his 'whispering' Maserati 4.7 GTS - MC Shift with ASBO H-pipe.
C. LuckesGTV6 in a Nero Alfa GTV 6 3.0 to Japanese spec.. - Ah So! Rucass Petah.
D. ...................................................?

FYI. The successful entrants last year were given a free gate pass and allowed a max of 3 'setup laps', strictly without a passenger.
The cars were marshalled in class groups for the morning shift - but later sessions were mixed in with Radicals and Atoms and the like, hopefully you will have an enthusiastic passenger onboard! :)

@-------- SECONDLY, the SportItalia static display.
Some fine 'Bellas', listed here in the order you volunteered.
We have:

1. AndyG in a Maserati Quattroporte Executive GT
2. Lisknik in an Alfa 33 1.7 Cloverleaf - No, not the 'tipo 33' sports racer :) :(
3, Kazzer in either a Maserati or an Alfa. Choices,choices!
4. AlfaMuppet in, hopefully, his Alfa 164 Q4,? - Is your Sud buddy coming along again this year?
5. ....................................................?
6. ....................................................?
7. ....................................................?
A couple of blanks there but er, I make that four.

@-------- THIRDLY, Autoslalom. An interesting challenge where it's not just horsepower, sorry, Kw, that counts. Drive your own car against the clock and crush the roadcones and my time (best 2 of 3 runs) in the GTV 2 years ago - 2 mins 30.4s. or an Alfa 159 Ti at 2mins 10.5.

@-------- FOURTHLY, Monetary Matters.

Now guys, although exhibiting we still have to pay for our display area and it worked out at a fiver per head last year to cover the fee which goes direct to the charity.

Our DisplayArea.

Good thinking Contigo on the Banners etc. Are these branded as 'SportItalia' or SportMaserati?
Does anyone know if there are any SportAlfa gizmos available for the event?
Regarding a gazebo. There is a charge for such structures on the club display areas so I've found out from the organisers that they are charging 2 car spaces (£10) this year.

I've also arranged for us to settle up 'on the day', selfishly, because I foolishly paid upfront at last years event from my own resources. :(
We have been promised a good place for our display with only one small stand between us and the Strawford centre (so we're roughly in the same location as last year :) )

@-------- FINAL ENCOURAGEMENT a final final - for the undecided.
Well there's only 2 weeks left to get involved so don't end up disappointed 'cos we do need to present our total numbers to the organisers by then!

Fact - There are/were about 124 Italian car manufacturers.
So even if you don't own and can't borrow or hire a 20/21st century Italian classic why not check in your garage just in case you have forgotten that amazing Abarth or a chilled Cisitalia, a feisty Fiat, Isotta Fraschini, Lamborghini, Lancia, Pagani, or Zust languishing under a dusty dust cover.

Now then - - Hey you butty's in that mysterious, far distant land of Wales, YOU also are invited:-
Why not challenge our willingness to cwtsh with our neighbours, eh? Well, there's nice now, isn't it.
I lived there a while, you hide away your 'Splendida automobile' so cunningly in those green wooded Varleys.
Why not you guys boldly drive across the Severn in a mighty phalanx for this event.
Why be in fear, and tremble when crossing the repairs on the M48 bridge when the nice new M4 bridge is possibly not pinging its' cables quite so rapidly? Hah!, those Frenchies, I spitta de floor!
Why pass by an excellent reason to roar through those fine Brynglas tunnels in second gear to get a free check on whether your engine is mis-firing, if you're from far-side Newport that is!!
Why not?

And how about it y'all enthusiastic guys I chatted to at the Fox AROC meeting recently?

Tempus Fugit friends.

@-------- Now on a Serious note, WHAT THIS EVENT IS ALL IN AID OF :

There are about 152,000 cases each year in the UK. Last years event at 'Combe raised about £10K.
Funding is used for the awareness, prevention and treatment of strokes and the aftercare of victims.

I know a midland lass who, 1 week before a holiday abroad, was brushing her teeth late evening and collapsed and was taken to The Radcliff in Oxford then, via helicopter, she became conscious in Bristol Frenchay Hospital 2 days later. An event 12 days ago & still in intensive care and serious concerns remain.

Strokes can happen in a flash as above and it's good if you are able to recognise the symptoms (F,A,S,T.) and how to help the victim survive and also minimise the inevitable damage.
Although people usually associate a stroke as a challenge for the elderly - sadly it can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime and that does include the youngsters, even children, even babies.

Coincidentally, the WSO WORLD STROKE DAY is also on October 29th but in Hyderabad.
'Face the Facts: Stroke is Treatable' is the theme.


Only 4 weeks left guys!
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Have a great day guys. I proudly did this event in my first 4200 twice. I hope the weather is kind.

Sadly will not be able to join you in the GS due to other commitments.


Looking forward to it. Not heard anything from Richard but you said that might be last minute so no worries. If I can't drive I'll still come and show off anyway.

No problem with contributing. All in a good cause.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


I'm planning on attending this could you put me down for the display please?


Junior Member
I've given Mick my details and track experience etc so might be considered. I will bring the forum flag banner to put next to the Maser's so just need someone to bring a Gazebo along now as October can get pretty wet.
Oh and I have done Brunty this year, am doing Llandow a week before this so please don't expect a lot from the big beast as she will be tired and worn :D
Hi Contigo, Glad you volunteered for ontrack, and hopefully there'll be a drive for you.
Hope also that you enjoy your Llandow blast but don't forget to save some of that tired tread for Castle Combe 'cos, as you probably know its a faster circuit and less grippy than Llandow.
On the static display.
I presume the event flag thingies you mentioned are marked Maserati?
Has anyone offered a Gazebo for the display yet?
I hope to get the chance to chat with you at the event as Bruntingthorpe is on my 'bucket list' for next year.

Looking forward to it. Not heard anything from Richard but you said that might be last minute so no worries. If I can't drive I'll still come and show off anyway.
No problem with contributing. All in a good cause.
Thanks for your positive input MrMickS and I hope you get ontrack for this worthy event. If not it will be great to meet you and your 'Bella Maserati' on the display line.

Have a great day guys. I proudly did this event in my first 4200 twice. I hope the weather is kind.
Sadly will not be able to join you in the GS due to other commitments.
Hi Safrane, Sorry you can't make it. As you indicate, it is a real 'feel good' and worthwhile event.
Hope you will be able to attend next year.

I'm planning on attending this could you put me down for the display please?
Certainly. Great to have you onboard FernandoIsFasterThanYou, looking forward to meeting you and hope we all have an enjoyable day. Let us know what model your Maser is please, I saw it on display at Brooklands but I'm not a Maserati 'Esperto' so didn't know what model I was looking at!.

So up to date on our display line we now have:

1. AndyG in a Maserati Quattroporte Executive GT
2. Lisknik in an Alfa 33 1.7 Cloverleaf - No, not the 'tipo 33' sports racer!
3, Kazzer in either a Maserati or an Alfa.? Please let us know, or is it weather dependent?
4. AlfaMuppet in, hopefully, his Alfa 164 Q4,? Will the superAlfasud be along again this year?
5. FernandoIsFasterThanYou, in a Maserati ??
6. .................................................. ..?
7. .................................................. ..?
8. .................................................. ..?
9. .................................................. ..?
10. .................................................. ..?

That looks a bit better but still a blank or two there but yep, I make that five. I'll need the other hand to count from now on! :)


Sorry Luke I should really put it in my sig

Maserati 4200 Coupe GT (6spd manual). I have had custom sports cats and x-pipe fitted.

Look forward to seeing you all there


Junior Member
I'm up for bringing the GTS down if there is a space on the display.
Hi buddy, You not going ontrack? Whatever, another Maserati on the chorus line will be really welcome so it's listed! :)

Sorry Luke I should really put it in my sig.
Not done this myself either! :) and I welcome 'Luke' as it was my cherished nickname yonks ago but my SportItalia 'handle' goes back to one cleric's mistake when he wrote an ancestors surname incorrectly in a 17th century parish register. That native Devonshire rural accent!
I'm Peter by the way.

I saw it on display at Brooklands but I'm not a Maserati 'Esperto' so didn't know what model I was looking at!.
Just been thinking - (AAAaaaargh!) how many of the 'Great British Public' are also in this situation?
Would it be an idea this year if we Blue Tack a blurb sheet inside the passenger window explaining what our car make and original model spec is, what we've changed and of course any history, fine achievements or circuits the car has trotted round, photos etc.? Even a simple -'
Maserati 4200 Coupe GT (6spd manual). I have had custom sports cats and x-pipe fitted.
'- gives key information to the curious passer by.
A blurb would also be useful for your future events if laminated.

So, updating our display line we now have:

1. AndyG with a Maserati Quattroporte Executive GT
2. Lisknik with an Alfa 33 1.7 Cloverleaf - No, not the 'tipo 33' sports racer!
3, Kazzer with either a Maserati or an Alfa.? Please let us know, or is it weather dependent?
4. AlfaMuppet with, hopefully, his Alfa 164 Q4,? Will yourAlfasud buddy be along this year?
5. FernandoIsFasterThanYou, with a Maserati 4200 Coupe GT
6. Contigo with a Maserati GTS
7. .................................................. ..?
8. .................................................. ..?
9. .................................................. ..?
10. .................................................. ..?

If no one's able to provide a gazebo what do you guys think about hiring one for the day?


Hi buddy, You not going ontrack? Whatever, another Maserati on the chorus line will be really welcome so it's listed! :)

Not done this myself either! :) and I welcome 'Luke' as it was my cherished nickname yonks ago but my SportItalia 'handle' goes back to one cleric's mistake when he wrote an ancestors surname incorrectly in a 15th century parish register. That native Devonshire rural accent!
I'm Peter by the way.

Just been thinking - (AAAaaaargh!) how many of the 'Great British Public' are also in this situation?
Would it be an idea this year if we Blue Tack a blurb sheet inside the passenger window explaining what our car make and original model spec is, what we've changed and of course any history, fine achievements or circuits the car has trotted round, photos etc.? Even a simple -'
'- gives key information to the curious passer by.
A blurb would also be useful for your future events if laminated.

So, updating our display line we now have:

1. AndyG with a Maserati Quattroporte Executive GT
2. Lisknik with an Alfa 33 1.7 Cloverleaf - No, not the 'tipo 33' sports racer!
3, Kazzer with either a Maserati or an Alfa.? Please let us know, or is it weather dependent?
4. AlfaMuppet with, hopefully, his Alfa 164 Q4,? Will yourAlfasud buddy be along this year?
5. FernandoIsFasterThanYou, with a Maserati 4200 Coupe GT
6. Contigo with a Maserati GTS
7. .................................................. ..?
8. .................................................. ..?
9. .................................................. ..?
10. .................................................. ..?

If no one's able to provide a gazebo what do you guys think about hiring one for the day?

Hi Mate, not heard anything back from event organiser so it's a maybe yet. I will however come down for the display.


1. AndyG with a Maserati Quattroporte Executive GT
2. Lisknik with an Alfa 33 1.7 Cloverleaf - No, not the 'tipo 33' sports racer!
3, Kazzer with either a Maserati or an Alfa.? Please let us know, or is it weather dependent?
4. AlfaMuppet with, hopefully, his Alfa 164 Q4,? Will yourAlfasud buddy be along this year?
5. FernandoIsFasterThanYou, with a Maserati 4200 Coupe GT
6. Contigo with a Maserati GTS
7. MrMickS Ghibli
8. .................................................. ..?
9. .................................................. ..?
10. .................................................. ..?


Just been thinking - (AAAaaaargh!) how many of the 'Great British Public' are also in this situation?
Would it be an idea this year if we Blue Tack a blurb sheet inside the passenger window explaining what our car make and original model spec is, what we've changed and of course any history, fine achievements or circuits the car has trotted round, photos etc.? Even a simple -'
'- gives key information to the curious passer by.
A blurb would also be useful for your future events if laminated.

I put together a quick something for the last event


It looks pretty good laminated. I did think of putting the SM logo on the bottom, but left it off for now.


Hi Mate, not heard anything back from event organiser so it's a maybe yet. I will however come down for the display.

I'm anticipating hearing something the week before the event to be honest. If not then I'll just join the parade.


Some photos of our previous visit

Me and some old forum members at the event in 2008.

Good Wood 08 023.jpgGood Wood 08 185.jpgGood Wood 08 186.jpgGood Wood 08 187.jpgGood Wood 08 190.jpg