Energy crisis


I just had to fill the missus car for her travels to Stevenage etc. next week. A good 60 quids worth so it was nearly 3/4 empty. Old boy turned up and I swear he put no more than a gallon in it, probably a tenner. I said to him was it worth it and got a wrinkly scowl. :)


Because wealth re-distribution isn't the solution to making the wealthy business owners and share holders happy.

The (current) British way is to squeeze those at the bottom so those at the top can continue to have growing and unearthly sums of money that there is no way they need or can consume. They just wear it like a badge instead.

Odd perhaps that we hit breaking point where those at the bottom have simply gone somewhere else (or in the case of Brexit, just don't come here anymore before we hit a revolution.

See also wages for those who look after our health, teach our kids, deliver our parcels...

I was referring to the failure of the market to drive pay. In this case, unlike the other examples you have mentioned, there isn’t a state based or previously state based monopoly.

RSM Masser

I am with (was with) Green - somehow I am £800 in credit, they just reduced my DD payment last month, according to all the emails from green and the press this money is safe?
For the moment!

RSM Masser

I am with (was with) Green - somehow I am £800 in credit, they just reduced my DD payment last month, according to all the emails from green and the press this money is safe?
For the moment!
I meant to add I have used that Dragons Den company “Look after my Bills” I wonder how that will fair in this climate

Phil H

The band of Maserati brothers and sisters should blockade the roads until we get priority at the pumps; dammit, we pay enough as it is and it's high time the government recognised our plight! Convoy anyone?

D Walker

My wife reports that meanwhile where we live. Things are er……normal.
Press have a lot to answer for.
they start and cause most of these issues., I’m sure.

RSM Masser

The band of Maserati brothers and sisters should blockade the roads until we get priority at the pumps; dammit, we pay enough as it is and it's high time the government recognised our plight! Convoy anyone?
I’ll have to tow mine - does that count?
Got no petrol for the lawnmower ……


It’s really just Brexit that has forced the European drivers to avoid work in the UK that has lead to the shortage of drivers in the first place.
Covid is everywhere, and everywhere doesn’t have a shortage of fuel, HGV drivers, co2, chicken, pork…

Luckily our Government had the foresight to implement fantastic public transport infrastructure that we can rely on, and to not neglect it, run it into the ground, or leave it operating at excessive loads…
Get the UK workshy on the job....was it Denmark that said yes you can have benefits but you're going to have to work for it? It's what's wrong with this country and exactly why most want to settle here.


I would be interested in discussing this more with you as I run electric hot water and oil boiler for heat currently. If I could heat the water by other means that and use any residual generated that would be good.

You need a solar thermal install then.
effectively a pre-heat in order that you don’t need to use anywhere near as much energy as you normally would.


You need a solar thermal install then.
effectively a pre-heat in order that you don’t need to use anywhere near as much energy as you normally would.
Disagree, solar hot water only really work when sun is shining, similar to solar PV. I had one on my old house and yes it raised it to a certain temperature saving some energy it wasn't all that good.
Insulation is the first port of call, stop losing the heat you create. Then look at creating heat.


I would be interested in discussing this more with you as I run electric hot water and oil boiler for heat currently. If I could heat the water by other means that and use any residual generated that would be good.
Your electric boiler runs close to 100% efficiency. For every kWh used the same amount of energy goes into the water. Gas is similar. It's coincidence that today my ASHP was commissioned and it's efficiency is around 300% . It extracts the 'free' heat from the atmosphere and pumps it into my home in a reverse refrigerator style.
It's big but pretty cool especially stood in the cold air blast on a warm 21 degree day like today.