Engine Water Ingestion


Junior Member
Hi guys,

I am new and have stumbled upon a few posts with horror stories hence the renewed thread. Questions:

Is it a problem to take the car through an automatic car wash with jets of water coming from the two sides that clean the wheels and rocker panels? I did take it once with no issues.
Has anyone found a solution to bring the air filter higher up from it's original location? I would gladly sacrifice a few HP for this. I looked through the openings in the bumper, you can actually see the air filter, there is a plastic piece in V shape form in front of it kind of protecting it but you can see the filter element left and right of that piece and it's really low to the ground.

Thank you,

George (in Canada)
2003 Coupe GT


Special case
Hi George And welcome to the madness. It takes a lot of water to cause any damage like hydro locking like driving through a river (ford). You need to cover the lower opening so the air box fills, a little water in there will speed the deterioration of the paper filter but that is all.

Yes you can remove the air box and replace with a straight silicone tube and a large K&N filter strapped to the back of the headlight. If you want details I can provide them for you.


Of course you shouldn't really be taking it through a car wash :)

Welcome, George. Newton knows whereof he speaks