Enzo..4 more and you're in...


That has to be new and still own them now, shirley?

Anyone can buy 5 Ferraris, funds permitting. Not just anyone buys them from new and still has them today. 300 globally...there must be more than that who own 5, but 5 from new?

IIRC, to get offered the Enzo you had to have had an F40 and/or and F50 from new, and still have it. Or be a celeb. I might mistaken/ over tired and making stuff up though...


No, i think the Ferrari Owners Club is a laugh, all the old gits that go there who think they are the bees knees in the cheapest Ferrari's dress up like a clown for the day, yet the owners with the real money dont car what they wear.


If you read it buying any old Ferrari doesn't count...So Mondial is out....


Yes but it is pig ugly, me and you could have built something better looking and better to drive. Been in a few Mondial's and they are a right sack of sh....... nothing fits properly and they feel like the whole car will just break at any second, shocking.


Still a Ferrari though...Most have had bad models and tough years.......Look at Maserati and the Bi turbo...SOme bad uns there...


I would have a Bi Turbo over a Mondial, i think a Mondial is one of those cars that i would actually turn down if someone gave it to me, or i would take it and sell it.


I have a at least 5 Ferraris from new - wonder if I qualify

obivously another business money plan, just not sure this is a good idea, most will end up in a dealer or ebay anyway

.....and yes my Ferraris are 1:12 scale ;)


Sounds like a good idea, I was wondering why Aston don't do something similar... but touring around Newport Pagnell, Gaydon and Bloxham doesn't quite have the cachet of various Italian locations does it? Shame :(

Nothing on that trip we can;t replicate with our own yours. Only entry being you're a decent sort with a fashionable line in tweed hats and driving gloves :)


Shell used to give me ferrari scale models in BRAND NEW condition... Must be the Enzo, the F1 of 2009, 612, F430 and 360. They're all in my garage..Enough?..
Maybe the Mondial does not count, but i am sure something like the 250 GTO, would definately be one of five in someone's collection.


New Member
Dear Your Oil Highness Sheikh Mammon of Abu Dabba Doo the III - Junior,

I do hope this letter finds you well(ing with disposable millions?) and that you have settled into a richly deserved numb lethargy since successfully dropping out of Oxford? I imagine like your nine brothers, you too found the novelty had worn off by the second semester and realised that your father owns the university anyway, making the Honours Degree and MA a certainty?

On that grovelling note, please do pass my regards (and a forty percent stake in my business but let's not dwell on that) to your father and thank him for his gift. It was both impressive and illegal in most countries. Were it not for the bond traders he recommended and the generous use of your sovereign wealth fund I fear I might have had to declare it, which would never do!

You will of course know that we are in the process of repairing the GTO you wrapped around a palm tree last month, on which note I'm happy to report that the repair cost should be no more than you can afford, and additionally I can report that we have arranged shipment to you of the Enzo you asked us to re-trim. You'll be pleased to know that the Saffron dye took to the the snow Leopard pelts rather well.

Speaking of your exceptional taste, how has the chrome wrap taken to the 16M? I do hope it compliments the spinners? and how fortuitous that you were able to fit them to the 16M after having had such problems with the 599. How are you finding the handling after you decided to adapt it for monster trucking instead?

Might I ask whether you would like me to arrange the return of the charred remains of the FF you torched last week? In retrospect you were of course right to berate me for mistakenly allowing one to find its way to Prince Richard of Babylon ahead of yourself, albeit by just a day, but yes you were probably right to say he made you feel small in front of your girlfriend when he turned up in it before you. (how is Tamara by the way?)

So by way of making amends, and not wanting to encroach any further into your drug addled stupor, this draws me to the reason I write...

After minute's of research by our accountants, and in conjunction with several late mornings by our marketing department..let me present the Ferrari Supercar Club. This is a once in a lifetime, time-limited offer available only to the truly witless, sorry wily cash-cows, sorry investors like yourself who have proven five-fold that their wealth is equaled only by their gullibility, sorry astute investment acumen, and with that in mind, let me present you with a sneak preview of the (nearly all the same as the bog standard) 599 Alonso Edition.....TA-DA!!

Much like the driver it honours, it's already past it's peak, and on the track a car made by a soft drinks manufacturer (that doesn't even know how to make road cars) has consistently left it in its wake, but why dwell on such things; we plan to make just ten and if you're quick one can be yours and yours alone (well apart from the other nine I plan to sell to your brothers) for the bargain price of one tenth of Italy's national debt.

Payment by bank transfer to...

Luca di Other way whilst I empty your bank accountio.

(Caterina, photocopy that would you and send it to the 100 people on the mailing list in my office marked SUCKERS)
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Shell used to give me ferrari scale models in BRAND NEW condition... Must be the Enzo, the F1 of 2009, 612, F430 and 360. They're all in my garage..Enough?..
Maybe the Mondial does not count, but i am sure something like the 250 GTO, would definately be one of five in someone's collection.

I used to get those...Thats going back......Had about 20 off them...Ferrari's, BMW's, Aston, Lotus....