Genuine OEM Gransport / 4200 / Spider, space saver spare wheel & kit plus humped boot floor.


Right now from Scuderia or Euro spares costing £900, on E-bay without accessories or humped boot floor £850. I’m offering at £600 to SM members before listing on E-bay. Spare wheel assembly which is as new and never used, portable air compressor, socket wrench, wheel stud wrench, wheel studs, tie rod, jack, polyurethane tool holder plus humped boot floor. Difficult to come by these days, especially at this price and including the boot floor. Or you could get it for £14,600 including my 2004 CC 4200. I was advised to advertise that for £16,000 for private sale by Marios at Autoshield when in for a service a few weeks ago, but looking for a quick sale and 91542915439154491545915469154791548to sell to someone on here would be nice.


It’s a 2021 reg Savannah, low mileage as it lives inside right now. Amazing acceleration and can leap very high.


Utterly beautiful. We tend to take the rejects, though

Totally agree, but I bet we have housed more rejects than you and Phil combined. There was a specific reason for getting that one which was nothing to do with owning a pedigree pet. So please don’t get the wrong impression.


Is it a bit strange , my neighbours have pedigree cats but whereas normal cats crave affection these are the opposite , they do everything they can to avoid you
I do think one of them is special needs though , when they first got it it'd sit in the road , still there when it went out of sight , first few times I got out to make sure it'd moved , not any more, though I have to be careful , we looked after their chickens and one died and a boxer dog licked their rabbit to death.


Is it a bit strange , my neighbours have pedigree cats but whereas normal cats crave affection these are the opposite , they do everything they can to avoid you
I do think one of them is special needs though , when they first got it it'd sit in the road , still there when it went out of sight , first few times I got out to make sure it'd moved , not any more, though I have to be careful , we looked after their chickens and one died and a boxer dog licked their rabbit to death.


It could be much worse mate, some people have neighbours who could have special needs (or not) and sit in the middle of the road causing havoc.


Totally agree, but I bet we have housed more rejects than you and Phil combined. There was a specific reason for getting that one which was nothing to do with owning a pedigree pet. So please don’t get the wrong impression.

Sorry, no criticism was implied at all. Terribly sorry of it was read as such!



Sorry, no criticism was implied at all. Terribly sorry of it was read as such!

Hey, don’t worry understood what you were saying. The amount of cats drastically decreased when the kids left home, one of the daughters even brought back a pregnant stray which went on to have 6 kittens. We advertised them free to a good home, you would be surprised how many people phoned and asked if any of them were looking really special, or have you got a blue one etc. Not interested when they were just normal looking kittens. Anyway, they all went to someone who just wanted a kitten. We kept the blue one.


Hey, don’t worry understood what you were saying. The amount of cats drastically decreased when the kids left home, one of the daughters even brought back a pregnant stray which went on to have 6 kittens. We advertised them free to a good home, you would be surprised how many people phoned and asked if any of them were looking really special, or have you got a blue one etc. Not interested when they were just normal looking kittens. Anyway, they all went to someone who just wanted a kitten. We kept the blue one.

I have no words. Basically running on empty. We tend to rock up a shelter when we have a cat shaped hole and take the one that looks like it needs a home most. Or my niece will provide a cat that is utterly the wrong shape for the hole. And somehow we make it work.

Seems you have a system that works, and cats find homes, which is the point.



Staff member
We have had two cats now who have just turned up here. We asked around extensively and put up posters saying they were here but neither of them were claimed so they just sort of moved in. Each was very affectionate, after early nervousness, and house trained so definitely not feral. The one that is still here though is pretty lairy with our dog, which can get a bit interesting from time to time.


Cats are cool. Ours are pretty much telling us we did the wrong thing going away for a week, but we love them dearly



Staff member
Sulking are they?
Funnily enough we are dog people really, so I don't know why they 'choose' us.
The first one that turned up was a dear little cat, absolutely lovely. She lived in one of the barns until she had a run in with a visiting terrier, came off very much the worse and had to have a hind leg amputated. One of the most upsetting things I've ever had to sanction, and for a while it looked like we would lose her anyway. But she pulled through and decided that living in the house was actually ok after all. She would boss our big dogs around something awful so clearly hadn't lost her confidence with them. Her ease of movement on recovery as a 'tripod' cat was astonishing, she just got on with it.
After all this, about 9 months or so later she didn't come back one evening and despite days of looking, alerting all the vets and rescue places, we never found her. It still pulls at me now not knowing what happened to her.